Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret believes most of the adults within our community will be aware of the now reviled former TV personality Jimmy Saville and the TV programme he used to present titled “Jim’ll Fix It”.

Saville is now universally loathed for the crimes he committed and Ferret finds it hard to accept that anyone would use anything to do with this man to score “cheap political points” over anyone else.

Yet this is just what Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Hemsworth Town Council did on 25 January 2019. Mr Kenyon shared a post on social media which had originally been shared by David Kitching.

The post (below) showed a former prime minister with Saville, before he was exposed for his very serious wrongdoings, with the caption:

A once popular character now loathed by an entire nation

seen here with Jimmy Savile

A big laugh for Mr Jim Kenyon obviously.

Ferret at first, was disgusted how anyone could stoop so slow, but knowing what we now know of this man, nothing is a surprise anymore.

Especially when you realise where Kenyon borrowed his building firm’s catchphrase from?

Yes, that’s the one – “Jim’ll fix it”

By Ferret

9 thought on “Jim’ll Fix It…”
  1. The more that emerges about this scumbag, (Kenyon) it’s not surprising they deleted their Facebook pages. Yes I remember Savile’s TV show, and the theme song with words if I remember ” Jim’ll fix it for you’. Savile’s context in the show was putting this right for people, scumbag Kenyon use of the word “fix” is entirely different. He certainly fixed things for his cronies, our money given to councillors etc. Disgusting!

  2. If anyone has any doubts about chairman lowlife, this post should dispel them, not saying any more, he’s lower than the lowest not fit to be part of the human race.

  3. There are no redeeming features to this thing. The more I learn of his cronies the same seems to be of them too.

  4. If you need to get rid of lots of dosh on legal fees..JIM’LL FIX IT. If you need to bury waste and rubbish secretly at the waterpark..JIM’LL FIX IT. If you need to unfairly sack staff and lose at employment tribunals JIM’LL FIX IT. If you need a home for unwanted donkeys JIM’LL FIX IT. If you need lies spreading on manifestos JIM’LL FIX IT. If you need a cheesy europop band in your local park at a cost of £80,000 JIM’LL FIX IT. If you want to lose the Waterpark into a “trust”..JIM’LL FIX IT !!! He can fix it for you and you and you !!!

  5. When are his lackeys going to wake up and disown this obnoxiously piece of filth? Or are they all as bad?

  6. He certainly fixed it for the young lads at Ayr when he wrecked the dog track, then there’s the beeches club, the jubilee club, the employees he unfairly sacked, I’ll bet the Hemsworth lady hasn’t got her money yet. Or the homes he wrecked in his building days, poor Bobby the dog dragged and left in agony before he died. The waterpark treated like a rubbish tip, the unpaid debts left behind along with his bankruptcy. Yes he’ll certainly “fix” it.

  7. Oh my goodness gracious me what a palava I’ll go to the end of our street and come back again

  8. This man is not fit to live with pigs yet here he is, unelected by the people and acting like a deranged despot as chair of our town Council. He needs sectioning the sooner the better

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