In a Town Council meeting in 15 October 2020:
To consider stabling/having donkeys for recreational purposes in the park
However observant members of the township had already seen the donkeys, being walked at the park and stabled in play world with no shelter for over two weeks in all weathers.
It turned out, Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles were the instigators and had arranged for the donkeys. They were providing them as a gift and there would be no cost to Precept payers of Hemsworth, Fitzwilliam and Kinsley.
Ferret therefore, finds it very strange to find an entry in the accounts of Independent Hemsworth Town Council:
Councillor Jean Eccles decided, that as the precept payers on Facebook were “ungrateful” She was withdrawing her offer and the item was removed from the agenda.
Ferret wonders where the poor animals ended up?

Not only duu it d she say they were ungrateful she also said people on Facebook had spoilt it with their political comments and that they were bought for a gift ‘for the kids’. She said ‘you see donkeys on the beach all day and nobody has a problem with them’. Apparently everyone was being political and should’ve waited for answers, according to Councillor J Eccles. At the time people were worried about the donkeys’ welfare so they couldn’t wait for answers. And I’ve asked since what’s happened to the donkeys and haven’t had an answer. It’s a year later – how much longer am I meant to wait? We all know they don’t like answering questions! All this time -and still nobody knows what happened to those poor animals.
A lucky escape for the donkeys, but then again Kenyon’s probably a donkey “expert” as well but as being a donkey he’s half way there already lol.
So lord and lady of the manor Eccles, sorry my mistake, Waterpark, had already made the decision and put the donkeys on the park, just shows who’s running Hemsworth Town Council.
Have they refunded the cost of the animal food? bet they have ….. not.
And what about the risk to Health with all the Donkey muck and the kids running and playing in it?
Have the Lord and Lady Eccles paid for the staff time involved in looking after these animals for this period of time and the clean up?
What Next?
Let’s hope the outcome was better for the donkeys then it was for poor Bobby.
There’s no shortage of donkeys in Hemsworth and some of them have only two legs
What is also strange Ferret is two transactions made on the 10/8/20. ..just a few weeks before any mention of donkeys. There is a payment of £516.69 to AG & HG GROUNDWORKS (Gordon Eccles) listed only as “supplies! Also the same day a payment of £2000 to a mrs S. Tranter…for a “farm building”!…Was this the donkeys and stable that was “gifted” and
came at no cost to the precept payers???
Donald you need to bring this up at the extraordinary meeting please. I’ve anlust as long as my arm to ask
Donald do you mind if I ask this question at the meeting please?
Go ahead Vickie..I dont mind at all…ask about anything you feel all the Ferriteers need answers to
Donald can I ask where you saw this? I’ve just looked on last years budget, strangely there is only Jan, feb and March on there, they seem to have removed April to December!
Hi Donna its on HTC website in the yearly budget “Income and expenditure 20/21..the date is10/8/20
Supplies, farm building, totaling two and half grand? The question begging asking and answering is supplies of what and what farm building and where is it and what’s it being used for and who sanctioned and authorized it’s purchase I’m being very generous here when I say some of the entries in these so called accounts are very very vague to say the least. So now as well as being a water park we’re a construction site with diggers rollers and dumpers and now supplies and farm buildings what the friggin hell next Noah and his ark what the chuff are they running down there it’s like the old bazzar in Cairo
The Farm building is to store the digger, roller etc in.
When first put to ALL councillors on 5.8.20 which you can view on council FB page. It is said given to HTC for free then changed to £2,000.
If you then look at all the accounts you will see the costs just keep on coming.
Concrete Base, New Roof,
New Shutter doors , electrical work.
Plus the cost to decommission the unit which on the video it says NO cost to do this.
The saying is if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.