Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

This could be the name of a new horror movie…Coming soon to a theatre near you

Unfortunately for all of us, this post relates to the very real issue YOU continue to pay for: Mr Jim Kenyon and his seemingly never-ending vendetta against Saul Construction Limited.

Many people have asked Ferret to look into the real reason behind Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council and why he persists with legal action against Saul Construction Limited, year after year after year.

These actions have already cost our community thousands of pounds in legal costs. These costs have so far been paid for by:

  • Hemsworth Town Council – YOU
  • Wakefield Council – YOU
  • Legal Aid System – Once again YOU.

One person who hasn’t paid for these costs is Mr Jim Kenyon – The man with no assets.

Ferret has been sniffing around and it appears this vendetta started many years ago. The older generation of our community will remember there used to be a petrol station on Kirkby Road, opposite the Bingo Hall where the newish houses now stand.

In addition to the petrol station, there were some units on the left-hand side that were leased out.

This complex was owned by Saul.

Guess who occupied one of these units?

Well done!

None other than the one and only spend, spend, spend YOUR money recklessly Mr Jim Kenyon.

Again, no guesses for what happened next, yes Mr Jim Kenyon failed to pay his rent/lease money to Saul.

Saul was left with no other option but to seek redress of this problem via the Courts. Saul won and Mr Jim Kenyon was ordered to vacate and pay up.

Did Mr Jim Kenyon accept the Court’s decision?

Of course, he didn’t! This was an affront to this self-proclaimed expert who claims to be multi qualified in such a wide variety of professions including most recently as a Solicitor (that’s another story for another day).

The outrage that he had publicly been shown to be wrong and now a debtor was and still is too much for his self-inflated ego to bear. 

To this day, Ferret believes that the debt is still outstanding, to this day the vendetta continues using anybody’s but his own money.

The total amount must now be hundreds of thousands of pounds of YOUR money and rising, wherever it is sourced from.

The man with no tangible assets will continue on his well-worn and practiced path of inevitable destruction, which may well cost us our prized community assets unless he is stopped and quickly.

Will we ever get a written response to our questions submitted to Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Kenyon from the meeting held on 12 October 2021?

By Ferret

4 thought on “Kenyon – The Vendetta”
  1. This explains a lot. A very bitter and nasty man is our Council Chair, with an ego to match the size of those many made up qualifications. So easy for him to spend other people’s money on vanity projects and continuing a unjustified vendetta. His behaviour fits a pattern every time, promise the world to decent folk, and then leave a trail of destruction behind him with lives and livelihoods destroyed while the assets are creamed off. Here’s one for you Kenyon, as you didn’t actually get physically voted into office resign and seek re-election, let the people say if they want you to continue. Bet you don’t, you know you’ve been rumbled, a pile of crap would get more votes than you.

  2. How this man has avoided being held to account for his actions is unbelievable ! He has bullied and threatened parishioners…unlawfully sacked staff…lied to the people…manipulated others into going along with his hair brained schemes…ordered waste to be buried at the Waterpark…built up thousands of pounds of debt in his own name and now in the name of HTC…not to mention allegations of drink driving and visitors to his house who have dubious backgrounds with the drug community !!! All this and undoubtedly more and yet still councillor Ian W still gives him his full backing in the recent vote regarding confidence in the chairman !! He is not fit to live amongst us never mind rule on decisions that affect our community .

  3. Ah things now look more clearer I’ve oft times wondered why this feud as run as long as it as. Regards the rest of the so called Independent councillor I’ll say one thing wise men say only fools rush in

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