Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has been asked on a number of occasions, for my opinion on the candidates for the upcoming election in the South Ward of Hemsworth.

As my readers already know, all of my posts are factual and truthful, here are some of my thoughts which I hope you, the voters, will consider when making your choice on Thursday.

You are already aware of some of the actions of Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council, and the potential consequences to you and your assets.

Please also remember that Independent Councillor Ian Womersley continues to support Mr Jim Kenyon and in doing so, must feel comfortable in endorsing his ongoing decisions.

The majority of the other Independent Councillors also continue to provide him with their full support as evidenced in the recent vote of no confidence put forward by Labour Councillor Maxine Hird.

You will soon have a chance to send a message to these people on Hemsworth Town Council, who sought and were elected on the basis of lies after lies.

Already you will have noticed in your pockets, the broken pledge of reducing the precept in their first year of office by £200,000.

The precept they received from you has actually increased by nearly £30000 in the last 2 years.

The ongoing and ever costly Venga boys’ concert now with added marching band, subsequent road closures and private security all paid for by you.

Incidentally, this event is happening on the day of our Queens Golden Jubilee – A day when you will be unable to celebrate at your Waterpark with your families and friends.

They made the foolhardy decision to convert the Lakeside cafe into a Licensed Bar without any Business planning or risk management processes in place at all, passing the resolution at “whatever the cost”. The cost paid for by you.

Then alterations took place with blistering speed, cashbook and petty cash payments becoming a preferred payment method.

Then repair after repair appeared on existing equipment, again cash payment accepted.

Thousands of pounds of your money spent on land clearing and the fencing of the land belonging to Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles.

A burger van then bought at a highly inflated price, but yet still needing thousands of pounds spent on it before it could be used.

Groundworks equipment, excavator, digger, tractor, trailer and other equipment procured from dubious sources, again costing you thousands of pounds.

Artistes and security bought in for the Lakeside Café Bar, but not shown on the Lakeside accounts which still showed a massive £220000 loss in one year.

Two Quad bikes stolen despite CCTV, gates controlled by Councillor Eccles and security living for free on site.

The continuing threat to your Waterpark and the use of a trust/covenants to take ownership away from the people who paid for it, in preparation to hand it over to their fellow Independent Councillor Gordon Eccles.

The list is growing and seemingly endless.

The Chair, Mr Jim Kenyon already exposed as being a former bankrupt, debtor, hypocrite and a liar with serial disasters left in his wake whatever he touches. “Reel them in, bleed them dry” would make a good motto to suit his despicable way of life.

His ongoing vendetta against Saul Construction. These actions have already cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, not his money, but your money either from your Town Precept, your District Council Tax or the Legal Aid system, all once again funded by you.

Not content with all this, again he is taking this to new heights, again with your money, this time it could even bankrupt your community.

He is on record as saying that the solicitors he has engaged against Saul Construction, in the upcoming Court Case are working on a no win no fee basis – This is another lie, Ferret has learnt they are charging you over £100000, and this just to start with.

Councillor Ian Womersley has gone very quiet and given the chance to remove this obnoxious Chairman, in a vote of no confidence, he actually cast his vote to support him, whilst fully aware of this unacceptable conduct.

Draw your own conclusions from that.

On Thursday you will have a choice between two candidates. This is not a time for party politics or not voting as a protest.

Ask yourself just one question –

Do you want two more years of the same under Chair Jim Kenyon?

If so, vote for another one of his self-declared independent supporters, Shane Folletti – A man who has declared his support and allegiance in public on more than one occasion to Mr Jim Kenyon. A man, whose organisations have already benefited from £1000s of your money in grants from Mr Jim Kenyon and Independent Hemsworth Town Council. At a time when arguably other more deserving organisations such as food banks received very little or nothing at all.


If you want honesty and decency, please consider voting for Lyn Morton. Lyn is the Green Party Candidate and works tirelessly in our area for what she believes in and helps others wherever she can. Ferret is aware she has already challenged Mr Jim Kenyon and his Independent cronies on more than one occasion and continues to do so.

Please leave any party allegiance for another day, another ballot which comes in two years’ time.

Finally, Ferret has also learnt of at least one voter who has not received their postal vote. If you are in this position you are still allowed to go to the polling station at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road to vote. Please do not let this stop you having your say – Your vote could be the one that makes the difference.

Will we ever get a written response to our questions submitted to Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Kenyon from the meeting held on 12 October 2021?

By Ferret

10 thought on “Hemsworth South Ward Election”
  1. What organisations? I know that they have this ‘help the needy’ thing, looking at their Facebook page the only thing they’ve posted this year that they’ve ‘done’ is take a load of folk to cleethorpes. How did they decide who was eligible? Never saw anything about it on social media offering places to struggling families.

    It also doesn’t appear to be a registered charity.

    An FOI needs to be submitted to HTC to find out which organisations have had grants and of how much. I also believe the organisations must declare what the grants are being spent on.

  2. Help the needy…Just what do they do ?? Not so long ago an offer was made to them that there was free sandwiches available that could have been used to “help the needy” or homeless or elderly. What did they do ? …turned it down saying they liked crisps and biscuits better!! Evidence of good work would go a long way in showing people what they claim to do, thus encouraging more donations. Apart from the recent bus trip which appeared to be available to anyone,needy or not the only act i know of was a very long time ago, to give a rough sleeper a biscuit..a bag o crisps and a £5 greggs voucher ! Bravo…you may say, and where was this rough sleeper who benefitted ? Cleethorpes !!! Its all sounds very dubious to me and I am not the only one !!! Just sayin 🤷‍♂️

  3. I too have heard of Shane’s helping in Cleethorpes. Very Shady. Especially when there is a Foodbank in Hemsworth & the Bag Fairies close by. Charity starts at home so where is this help going?

  4. No win no fee my backside they’ve already via their solicitor engaged a London firm of Barristers cornerstone and payments have already been made to them they’re there to view in the public domain on the council’s own website. Bear this in mind even if they were to win their case it does not necessarily follow that all their costs if any are awarded against the other party that is all dependent on the judge and how he views the other side’s case and if they had any merit in pursuing their actions or had no alternative but to do so. Win lose or draw we’ll still be getting a bill. As for no win no fee this case is not a couple of grand whiplash case the costs are enormous for both sides so you need very deep pockets

  5. So no public can use the waterpark on the vengaboy concert day? Excuse me we pay for that place on our council tax ….if that’s the case every resident should ask for a refund on the percept for not being able to use our own public waterpark

  6. The wp
    Kenyon yelled and bellowed about the state of disrepair the lakeside cafe was in hence supposedly why so much money was spent on this
    Let me remind you that when they reopened the lakeside to become a cafe and children’s soft area the last council gave the place a new roof after the leading was stolen off it
    So why have they stated they needed to repair it at another cost to us
    When it was reopened by the last council it would have had to be inspected thoroughly to be able to get the insurance / liability insurance it needed to be used and would have been inspected and passed so why have they lied that it needed so much work
    Did we need a viewing platform
    How many times has the upstairs room that they have supposedly renovated been used
    In May 2019 they were asked wouldn’t it have been better to update the play world first as that was one of the main attractions to the park
    Kenyon stated it doesn’t need doing and wasn’t prepared to spend on that park but wanted the cafe turned into a cafe bar instead although many parishioners disapproved they went behind everyone’s back spending supposedly thousands in a few months with the opening day being August that same year they were elected so again if it was in such disrepair why did it only take a few months to do up
    Now because we are expecting a share of £10,000000 from Wakefield council he feels playworld needs renovating another notch done in his empire
    Why has he taken the parking charges off the park
    Money that would have knocked a considerable amount off the losses the park has gained
    Why doesn’t he want the ponds cleaned and restocked to attract the fishermen of the area and again knock a large amount off the losses the park has gained
    Again why have we got a general manager when the park is being run by councillors more money being spent unnecessarily
    Massive conflict of interests creep up unannounced constantly
    Why have they removed so much vegetation from the park, bushes ,trees disturbing the other occupants the wildlife
    Widening bridges to cope with people traffic for the venga boys concert
    Building roads that lead on to a dangerous main road where people have been killed for the venga boys concert
    The list could go on

  7. And more trees are to be removed to put in another gate where the dropped kerb is on Wakefield Road, after they started building the entry road at the very top of the park and then decided that it was too much effort to apply to get a dropped kerb there…

  8. Or they suddenly realised they would not get permission for the access there, usual Kenyon business acumen lol

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