Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Ferret has heard from a number of reliable sources that a good number of the precept payers of the Parish have been asking District / Town Councillor Mr. Ian Womersley – Independent, to step up and sort out the obvious problems at Hemsworth Town Council.

The only response that has been heard back so far is:

“How upset He is by these accusations and innuendoes”.

Ferret assumes He is referring to the truthful and factual posts on this website.

Ferret would like to make this statement to Councillor Womersley:

You are an elected member, by the residents of this township, at both Town and District Council levels. As such, YOU are accountable to all our electorate whether they voted for you or not.

The numerous questions that go unanswered both on this website and from the precept payers are not “accusation and innuendoes” but legitimate questions that have, to date fallen on your deaf ears.

Ferret notes your suggestion of a public meeting to discuss some issues, but even a room full of people is insufficient and will not reach all the people who need answers.

As we have witnessed in the past, Hemsworth Town Council meetings can be loaded with hostile supporters of this council and intimidation and threat abounds.

So, do the decent and right thing and reply in writing to the following questions, so that you can go on record and be held accountable for the positions and actions you have taken.

Your replies will be printed in full and unedited or if you prefer, post your answers on the Town Council website, and Ferret can direct my readers there.

So, Councillor Womersley:

  1. Are you satisfied with Councillor Jim Kenyon’s conduct to date?
  2. What is your position on the future of Councillor Jim Kenyon? Do you intend to support him or refuse to work with him to facilitate his removal from office?
  3. Why did you lie to the residents, regarding your knowledge of the development adjacent to the Woodlands estate when you had actual knowledge of this due to your involvement with Hemsworth Town Council?
  4. The link from Hemsworth Town Councils website to your Facebook page no longer works. Why have you chosen to archive your Facebook group, hiding it’s contents?
  5. Why did you object to the KFC / Costa coffee development and not to Councillor Gordon Eccles development that also contained a coffee bar?
  6. Did you support / vote for the spending on Councillor Eccles land (the former Farmers Public House) being cleared?
  7. Was there any type of contract put in place to enforce Councillor Eccles’ compliance with providing free parking and for how long? If not why not?
  8. Why was Councillor Eccles made a key holder to the gates to the Waterpark?
  9. Why were these gates erected adjacent to his house on WMDC land?
  10. What is your current position on Air pollution? Are you still in favour of stopping improvements and housing developments in our area?
  11. The Venga boys’ concert, please tell us your ongoing position?
  12. Why suddenly do you want to give away the Waterpark by putting it into a trust when the only threat to it is from one of your own independent Councillors – Gordon Eccles.
  13. Why did your council remove the protective clauses to prevent the Council’s assets being disposed of, without reference to the electorate?
  14. Did you agree with the majority of the Independent Hemsworth Town Councillors, when shortly after being elected they informed the Clerk to open the Lakeside as a bar, whatever the cost and without any sort of business plan?
  15. The huge overspend of your Council of over £200000 in one-year, what actions have you taken to prevent this happening again?
  16. The huge and inappropriate petty cash payments, what action have you taken to prevent this reoccurring?
  17. The huge amount of cashbook payments, please explain these?
  18. Explain why another accountant had to be brought in to sort out the Lakeside accounts and who just happened to be an accountant used by Councillor Gordon Eccles and his wife Councillor (Eccles) / Martin?
  19. Legal advice fees, these are colossal and look like win or lose will go even higher, are you supporting this Council in all the legal actions that seem to happening: Saul Construction? Employment tribunals, three that Ferret is currently aware of and Hemsworth Town Council has already lost one?

Ferret can be contacted via email: and as stated above will post a full unedited answer to the questions being asked of you.

By Ferret

13 thought on “Councillor Mr. Ian Womersley – The unanswered questions”
  1. Well Cllr.Womersley, we’re waiting, hope you haven’t lost your glasses, so you are able to read this, as well as your voice.

  2. not interested in the welfare of the community only on his own career a wannabe politician

  3. Councillor IW also had another FB page ! He used this recent page to comment/reply via his official councillor page. All said comments etc have now GONE!! They have all been automatically erased due to the fact that he closed this account at the same time he archived the other. OPEN TRANSPARENT ???…oh and hard to reach !!! Maybe his Councillor page was archived because the ADMIN responsible for it was busy planning his manifesto. This admin was Shane Folletti who just happens to be the next candidate attempting to fill the empty role in HTC alongside his close friend JK( chairman ) !!!! No accusations here or trouble causing…just truth and facts !!

  4. have you seen report from last night ….? if they get what they want for water park ponds toilets ect all water water park be nothing left of that 10 million it will all be spent down there ..they didnt listen tp public on last meeting we said what we want and not only did they ignore us they refuse public opinions and barred us from meetings …

  5. Fair and honest question to HTC. Why if you are so determined to go ahead with the sports village project does it have to be on the site of the old one why can’t it be developed elsewhere on land that we own and is not subject to expensive litigation whatever the outcome? Why does it have to be Hemsworth? If you’ve forgotten I’ll give you a reminder there are two other parishes in this township Kinsley and Fitzwilliam yes I’m being bloody cynical when I say your council is bloody guilty of the same practices as WMDC in completely overlooking us residents in these two villages you are very very Hemsworth centric could that be because that’s where your core support lays and you are afraid to tell them some inconvenient truths. Hemsworth as an abundance of damn bloody football pitches it doesn’t need more of them. You are in the process of disposing of the old allotments in Fitzwilliam why not keep them and build the damn thing on there save a lot of money and expensive litigation or do you propose to use the sale of our assets to finance a friggin vanity project to quench the thirst of the football community who by and large you draw your support from. Maybe if you’re so cash rich you should divert your actions and resources to addressing the chronic poverty in this town food banks clothes banks people can’t bleeding eat football’s or wear them. Youth unemployment in our area sky high why not invest in areas to try and give the kids some worthwhile training not all the youth of this area are bastard mad about football many can’t even afford a ticket to a match if you want to help them try and address the chronic povert that is rampant in these villages

  6. Hi Carol,
    The £10 million is a different enterprise and isn’t under the control if HTC. IW and Denise Jeffries are heading a steering group for the 10 million. Hope this helps
    Vickie Middleton

  7. OMG didn’t realize Shane was admin for IW page. I know he’s friends with JK, the plot thickens….

  8. hi vicki at that meeting on face book they asked ian womerensley to look into funding from council to clean ponds and re stock with fish has they didnt have the money to do it …so is there another fund pot we dont know about?

  9. who said this im off to wakefield council re the maintenance of valehead and cemetery n i wont take no for an answer, next post/update im looking for volunteers to do maintenance work on both valehead and cemetery in the pockets of his intended valhalla not only did he take no for an answer he did the work for wakefield work we paid them to do all ready p/s not causing trouble these are.were quotes by him on his fb page were u got barrec if u asked questions the cabal dint like/ couldn’t answer a false fake wolf in sharks clothing all the time he is aiding and abetting a failed businessman with as much credential as a modern day fagin bunch of charlatans as frugal as idi amin and just as compassionate

  10. Ferret needs to do a post about Mr folletti
    How he stood up and swore allegiance to Kenyon when there was a vote of no confidence
    Telling everyone how long he had known Kenyon and how much good Kenyon had done for the area
    And I quote done more for this area than any other councillor
    Kenyon who took 3 mths into to the pandemic to help feed the elderly
    And only did it because he was continually asked by members of the community why he wasn’t doing anything
    Kenyon who suddenly decided to help with litter picking when he was running for wakefield council but still managed to threaten and abuse other litter pickers then stopped litter picking soon as he failed his attempt to get voted in
    How many complaints have gone in about Kenyon and his abuse to women and his racist remarks
    People need to be asking this
    What will happen if Mr folletti gets in
    Another yes man for Kenyon another vote for everything he wants to do even if its wrong
    Everyone of those councillors old and present who helped or are still helping this man take take take from Hemsworth are guilty and need to be accountable for everything this man is doing

  11. silence is deafening from the charlatans of the cabal, then again they do think they are above scrutiny need them removing now

  12. Cllr Womersley time is passing, the hole gets bigger and deeper that you’re hiding in, with every dirty deed that’s exposed. Come clean, spill the beans, man up and stop hiding behind a wall of silence. We’ve heard you loud and clear over many years, banging the drum, promising everything to this community and delivering little, but empty words. This time we are not even getting empty words because the criticism is on your door step and Kenyon’s councillors. You’ve been very loud and critical with regards to Wakefield and the last Hemsworth council and just look, it turned out that that criticism was unjustified and you muddied the reputations of decent people who you and Kenyon could learn a lot from. Step up or step down.

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