Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Ferret feels now is the time for thought and reflection.

When is enough, enough?

Tonight, as you are aware, you have been summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Hemsworth Town Council by Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair.

As the Court date grows increasingly near, you will be probably be asked to commit this community, and the people you represent to potentially the most expensive legal case in its history.

Please think very carefully before you vote tonight.

Ask yourselves: Win or Lose –

Do we need these extra facilities for football that is being driven by the Council Chair?

Can we afford to deliver them?

Can we afford to staff and maintain them?

Under the current Chair, Hemsworth Town Council Staffing costs have already increased by over £100000 pounds per year.

What are his real motives?

A genuine desire for even more facilities?

A continuation of a long outdated personal vendetta against Saul?

Or as is now openly speculated;

To destroy this communities’ assets ready for disposal to your colleagues?

Town Council spending is already out of control and unsustainable.

Election pledges broken:

When are you going to repay this community the £200000 that you promised?

When are you going to publicly apologise for the lies against the previous Council, that led to your election?

There is no sign of any of this, yet your Chair continues on, Floodlights for the Sandygate football fields, new stands, new car parks etc. a seemingly never-ending list.

All this from a man who has been a business disaster all his life and yet to date, you blindly follow him.

Ferret has no doubts, that Councillor Kenyon will have denied all knowledge of the disasters he has left behind him, always untrue, somebody else’s fault, not him, not his company and so on.

Ask him to produce the proof of his alleged “qualifications”, real certificates where the issuing body can be contacted to validate or otherwise.

Lies roll off his tongue day after day.

But you know in your hearts it’s all true, it is him.

Reports should be sent to all Councillors in a timely manner prior to all meetings to allow you time to absorb, research and reflect on the information contained within them.

If you haven’t already received the full information from Richard Buxton Solicitors for tonight’s meeting – Ask yourself – Why not?  

Tonight, you must ask to see the full solicitors’ advice, please don’t allow him to selectively read from it.

If necessary, seek an adjournment to thoroughly read and absorb its full implications.

Weigh up the full financial costs to this community, implications as said win or lose will potentially make this Council financially unviable.

Ferret is also aware of the Council’s intention to dispose of the Club Terrace allotment site in Fitzwilliam. This is already owned by Hemsworth Town Council, with full highway access and ready to develop.

Surely, if needed this could be developed?

Developed for all sports and just not football?

The costs already spent on this ongoing litigation would probably have paid already for this and for any improvements needed at existing facilities.

Remember our community covers 3 villages, all of which are entitled to a fair share of any investment.

Finally, please read for yourselves the legal advice in full, assess the realistic prospects of achieving success.

If those prospects are not realistic you could be held accountable, not just at election time, but in your own pockets.

Reckless spending of community money is a no go, ask yourselves one question:

Would the ordinary man or women on the street believe this or any of the spending currently occurring is acceptable?

If not, it may come back to bite you hard – Because this is the criteria you will ultimately be judged by in Court.

Finally, remember the risk is to you and your families, not Councillor Kenyon who has made sure any assets, if he has any, are not visible.

By Ferret

17 thought on “An open post to our Councillors…”
  1. Well said Ferret, today will show which of these councillors are complicit with all that is going on.
    If they carryon either being a party to it or choosing to turn a blind eye, they will be held accountable. The clerk at Brierley Council got jailed for thieving and councillors up and down the country have been made to repay the community for dubious spending. We’ll soon see who are the honest ones or those who think they are untouchable

  2. Hear hear and I truly hope they lose the case I’ve said it before that plan for more bloody football pitches is nothing but a damn vanity project it’s not needed there’s ample enough pitches in the town and Fitzwilliam and kinsley.already. This council has made great play and rightly so of us as an area being short changed by WMDC well if there is a genuine NEED for further facilities then why in heavens name aren’t they using their mandate to lobby WMDC to provide these facilities instead of recklessly ploughing on with what is clearly personal vendetta to solely prove a point they’re like a drunken lunatic in a casino who only realised his folly when he wakes up and finds he’s doing madness utterly madness. Has anyone done a feasibility study to establish what the costs of running this project would be if in the worst case scenario it went ahead. Those costs would eventually fall back on us and our kids and grandkids for years to come is their no bloody common sense in this lot at all people around here are not wealthy they’ve just been told a increase in NI of around 150 pounds a year for next year there’s food banks and clothes banks in the town we’re still one of the most deprived areas in the country but hey never mind let’s saddle them with more debt. Ask yourselves this do other town council in the locality embark on such grandiose hairbrained schemes as this not every buggar in Hemsworth is football mad. Doe Normanton, Ossett, South Elmsall, Outwood, Ackworth, Crofton all similar in size to us do their town and parishes engage in such pig headed lunacy, get a bloody grip I say and grow up and act responsibly

  3. 4th June 2019 from councillor Ian W on his FB page…”Today marks the end of a ten year battle to reclaim the former sports complex” ??? Why did he tell parishioners this when it was nothing of the sort.. this kind of statement and others like it leads us to believe they have won. As ferret points out this is certainly not the case !!! The same councillors page that was conveniently archived straight after the “Woodlands” meeting !!! ARCHIVED COUNCILLOR PAGE ..Why??? Is he/they scared of the truth…or scared of ferret or both !!

  4. Kenyon runs a tight Ship in this area the documents are now given in the meeting and you cannot take them outside so you don’t get time to digest them he must be scared there is a mole in there this happened in the last 2 meeting last I attended

  5. Draper is also the clerk at Thorpe Audlin maybe be looking g for a
    Way out working there too

  6. Well well well, are you going to explain yourself Cllr womersley, in writing is necessary, comments in closed meetings or sites with restricted access limited to a select few, are no longer acceptable. You need to step up and explain your position to all the electors on all that is coming to light and very soon

  7. Do Buxton provide legal advice for council unlawful spending.
    Be a full time job for them at Hemsworth

  8. Do Buxton provide legal advice for council unlawful spending.
    Be a full time job for them at Hemsworth

  9. any body in zoom for meeting i cant find it live? or have they closed it to public?

  10. It looks as though “open and transparent” Hemsworth Town Council don’t want us there.

  11. so everything can get passed and no voices to debate ….stinks they up to something

  12. There is no Zoom for this one, and the trial run Facebook livestream at last full council will be reviewed at next full Council.

  13. they are all complicit sycophants kowtowing to a wannabe dictator of a corrupt cabal iw included they are massive frauds elected after falsely accusing past councilors of the very thing they are now doing lot of them need removing and dont give me this they all aren’t same b/s they all know what’s going on and not one is trying to stop it or oppose them making them complicit via enabling them its a corrupt town council full stop

  14. That’s a bit unfair on Councillors Middleton and Hird who’ve only joined the council this May and are 2 voices in a group of 14, so hardly able to swing votes. And they can’t speak publicly about anything that is covered by council confidentiality or they’d be breaking the law.

  15. There isn’t a lot that is actually covered by confidentiality, personal staffing matters certainly are, but “confidentiality” is being used by this council to cover decisions/deals that they don’t want the public aware of. All elected councillors should have full knowledge of all details of all business being conducted by the council. They are also protected in law if they blow the whistle on what they believe to be corrupt practices or unlawful spending.The irony of all this is that Kenyon wasn’t even voted in by the people. A Councillor cannot even be excluded from Town Council meetings if threatened with that sanction.

  16. When is the court date and do you know where the hearing will be held?

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