Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Today, Ferret would like to write something totally different from the normal posts that readers have become used to.

Ferret will be bowing out soon (yes again), it does only seems like a couple of weeks have passed since the Ferret team said that before.

A premature retirement some readers called it!

Well this time, it will be when the danger of Queen Jean calling any extraordinary meetings is no longer a possibility.

Then again, every meeting Jean Eccles chaired seemed to be extraordinary one way or another.

We have a new Town Council ready to take office in May 2023 and by the sounds of it, they are keen to get going.

It is not going to be easy for them, but they do seem eager to engage with the local community and they do appear up to the tasks ahead.

A return to sanity is 4 years overdue.

Ferret has no intention of reporting on the actions of the “new lot” of councillors, who seem genuinely interested in what’s best for the community and not themselves.

They need be left alone, to deal with the situations that no doubt will confront them.

To the readers who say Ferret must remain, to scrutinise the new Council, Ferret did not start to report the misdemeanours of the ‘cabal’ until two years into their tenure.

The new Council will need time and support to move our communities forward.

Ferret hopes the people of Fitzwilliam, Kinsley and Hemsworth will engage directly with our new Council and you will offer your support wherever possible.

Ferret is sure all new Councillors direct contact details will be made available from 9 May 2023, when they officially take office.

Finally, Ferret would ask readers to think about priorities – What would you like to happen in the next four years?

Over to you…

By Ferret

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