Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Readers will recall, the recent post regarding a resident who has an outstanding serious formal complaint made to Hemsworth Town Council, go unheard for over 5 months and rising, due to Jean Eccles deciding to ignore it but surprisingly Hemsworth Town Council has created the time to hear an accusation against the lady, allegedly for harassment because of a post on social media.

Well following on from this, other residents are now speaking out and another person has been given an “improvement” notice about their allotment sent by Alan Draper apparently following a recent inspection.

They have been given two weeks to carry out the work required but there’s a snag and a big snag, he doesn’t say what the work required is.

It doesn’t stop there, the allotment holder had actually informed Hemsworth Town Council that they were ill and were at that time, not able to undertake any work on the allotment until their health improved.

They were told by Hemsworth Town Council that it wasn’t a problem.

Has Alan Draper ever tried to put a spade into frozen ground?

Ferret suspects not or is this just another way of setting the allotment holder up to fail?

The allotment holder had also made part of the allotment child friendly to help encourage them to garden but she has also been told this is not now allowed.

Strange that, because on a recent check around the burrows on the allotments, Ferret could clearly see other families have been doing this, some even for many years.

Why would Alan Draper take this drastic action? Why would he even want to do it?

Well call it another of those “pesky coincidences” that surround Hemsworth Town Council but it just so happens that this person has posted comments on social media also following council meetings!

Independent Hemsworth Town Council: The Dictatorship Grows. The Oppression Continues. Big Brother is Watching Our Every Move. Freedom of Speech in Hemsworth Kinsley And Fitzwilliam is Under Very Real Attack...

By Ferret

3 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: The Dictatorship Grows. The Oppression Continues…”
  1. How compassionate HTC and the Town clerk are,instead of trying to help the parishioner who through illness was unable to tender their allotment they decided to add stress and worry by issuing yet another threatening letter.How caring our HTC are towards its parishioners we all know they would prefer us all to disappear ,stay silent and not question what they have been up to over the last 4 years .Perhaps they have someone waiting in the wings a friend maybe who wants an allotment ,just a thought.

  2. It’s absolutely disgusting and its time the councillors brought Draper under control. They can do it if the non cabal ones stick together and vote as and when needed.

  3. I had to give up my allotment when I caught Rheumatoid Arthritis beck in 2014 but, getting this disease has made me realise even more the inequalities which exist in our society and the inability of some strong, fully functioning people in positions of power to empathise and take into account the needs of others less fortunate.
    Ideally, HTC should be offering allotments with raised beds available, for everyone who’d like to grow vegetables but find it impossible to reach the ground. It’s called being “inclusive” these days but to be it’s just being a caring human being.
    The French have designed special wheel chair accessible raised beds and positioned them in accessible places in town centres.
    HTC do have an Equality Policy but there’s no mention of their Public Sector Duty and, when I asked Alan Draper to provide examples, he said it mainly related to recruiting staff.
    What exactly have HTC done to cater for less-abled people in our community in the last four years?
    This is yet another example where their decision making process didn’t take into account those less-abled than themselves. Yes, it’s a breach of the Equality Act but it’s also as Julie says, a breach of human kindness.
    I’ll probably be invited to another Panel over this opinion too!

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