Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Saturday 4 February 2023 is a date that should go down in local history, for on this day we witnessed another blow being dealt to the cabal plan to hand control of Hemsworth Waterpark to the Eccles’.

The divisive and infamous gate was removed from the public access road, outside of the Eccles home that controlled access to the Waterpark.

The significance of this act cannot be overstated; hopefully it will lead to more public awareness of all the dubious activities that Kenyon and his band of Independent ‘cabal’ councillors have inflicted on our community.

Activities that will need closely watching until all of them are removed from public office in May 2023 at the local elections.

Hopefully, we will be able to see real justice served on them and the Town Clerk Alan Draper, when proper investigations are carried out, free from interference from any of the people involved.

A Victory For Decency And Common Sense

Let’s hope many more will follow in the coming months…

By Ferret

4 thought on “A Victory For Decency And Common Sense: The Ecclesgate has been removed…”
  1. The good councillors have kept their word and shown the parishioners they can work together and support each other and have put the community first and hopefully this is the start of the waterpark coming back to its rightful owners THE PUBLIC.
    It’s beauty can be and must be restored and can be enjoyed by all and not the chosen few.
    Good councillors keep going and you will reap the rewards in May the public are on your side now more than ever.

  2. Strength is in numbers, as the vote showed on Thursday evening the right vote well done. Even bussing in absent councillors wasn’t enough, but a word to these councillors and others Remember the parishioners put you there to represent them Not yourself or an individual you show No moral compass, No integrity, No sense of duty and are fickle it’s amazing how many people are now talking about HTC on social media, pub ,outdoors etc, keep up the good work. 👍

  3. Need the green mesh fence down around the windsurfer this gives the impression of a prison, it has no view appeal and gives and makes you think you need protection ugly ,unsightly rip it down.

  4. Totally agree Anonymous not very inviting is it,hopefully there will be mass changes in the near future and the public get back what is rightly ours.The once beautiful lakes and waterpark can become a beautiful jewel again a place for families and community to be proud of.

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