Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Last year saw the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council, Jim Kenyon finally removed from office.

His removal was long overdue, his election and that of his cabal independents was based on lies.

He has been a self professed expert on everything from a “teacher, to a planning expert, to a builder, to a…well you name it, he’s been it.

As the need arose so did the endless list of “qualifications”.

In reality, he’s a former bankrupt and a proven liar who has left a trail of disasters behind him and of course the debts and bills for others to pick up.

From Ayr, to Hemsworth and more before, here and abroad.

He is also well known for taking command and giving orders to the Town Council staff.

This is something that is not within any councillors’ remit and that brings Ferret to Jean Eccles.

The handover of the Chairs position to Jean Eccles was yet another of his cunning plans, when his world of lies was unravelling and the heat was too hot to handle.

She promised change but that was soon broken.

From abuse and intimidation, to changing policies and procedures or even ignoring them, oh how Jim Kenyon must be so proud of her.

Now it seems she’s even giving orders to staff in a public place, well when Ferret says public it is actually that café she says she doesn’t work in, close to her home and scrap yard.

She was heard loud and clear, telling the Waterpark staff (what they were doing in there is anybody’s guess) to start emptying a storage unit at the Waterpark ready to be moved to there.

So, this raises obvious questions:

Once again why is a councillor giving orders to staff?

Has the transfer of the storage unit been approved by the Town council?

Where was the Waterpark’s staff manager?

Why is the Town Clerk not reporting this abuse of position and possible abuse of Community assets?

Hemsworth Town Council: Jean Eccles The Out Of Control Chair, Roll on May…

By Ferret

4 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council:  Jean Eccles The Out Of Control Chair…”
  1. Who does actually deploy staff? , and if another person why are they using employees to do other jobs. This can stir a can of worms up, E.G injury, insurance liability working environment and more ,staff themselves should challenge decisions and make note of conversations.

  2. Where is the Town Clerk ,what is his paid duty towards the management of HTC staff,does he not oversee the staff does he not oversee their salaries and does he even know about the staffs new additional duties ,you can bet the rest of the good councillors don’t know or had a vote .
    Time for the good councillors to show the community they will work together and put an end to the Independents underhand misdeeds,and the community must come together and VOTE the underhand lot out.

  3. Do employee’s no they may be in breech of their employment contract by working on other project’s other than HTC in woks time.
    The work they do could lead to them being personally liable for any injury or damage to third parties. Saying I didn’t know or they told me to do it , won’t stand up !. The HTC responsible person should be letting it known to its employees what’s allowed and what’s not.

  4. It appears that the HTC staff are by certain people ruled with a rod of iron and May feel they cannot complain or report these ruling people for fear of repercussions,look at the amount of employees that have left ,quit ,resigned due to their treatment by certain people so again what is the staffs manager HTC Town Clerk doing about it looks like NOTHING.Blinkered beyond belief .

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