Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret was not surprised to see the huge amount of our money still being utilised and listed for petty cash purchases.

After all the non-forensic accountant said it was well controlled, please forgive my laughing.

According to the accounts on one day alone the following was spent by the lakeside café/Bar:

03/11/22 Lakeside Petty Cash

Food Order £14.32
Drinks £30.72p
Storage Boxes £25
Table Cloths £27.50
Tyre Repair £25
Fuel- Equipment – £202

Total Amount £451. 54

Readers will make their own minds up whether all or if any of the items on here should be paid for by a Local Authority such as Hemsworth Town Council especially, by way of petty cash.

It is very hard to imagine just what controls can be in place to ensure the legitimacy of the purchases as should be the case with public money.

Ferret accepts that we have seen much larger amounts used over the last 3 years but that does not make it right.

Hemsworth Town Council: Lakeside Petty Cash.

Once again, just more of what we have endured since May 2019…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council: Lakeside Petty Cash…”
  1. There appears to be a lot of spending on food at the Lakeside cafe you only have to read the monthly accounts to see thousands of pounds paid to Brakes.premier and Cosco warehouse each month.The fast amounts used and consumed must be showing huge profits at the Lakeside but reports say differently it is losing thousands of pounds and no footfall and closed over the Xmas period so maybe it’s all in the £14.000 walk in fridge freezer or storage unit maybe the HTC Town Clerk could tell the community as he signs the cheques.Time the spending stopped until May.

  2. Seems like the penny hasn’t dropped, the forensic audit endorsed by the councillors (not the parisoners ) was the green light to carry on spending so why not, has certain councillors said they have been vindicated
    Until thers is a change we will have to accept it because people who can do something about the spending are doing nothing, so even after May’s elections don’t expect big changes

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