Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

No, it’s not the A-Team unfortunately for us. It’s the C-Team, the Cabal led Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

The financial masterminds of Independent Hemsworth Town Council, Jim Kenyon and Jean Eccles strike again.

The Chair and former Chair of the Council are quick to hail their financial prowess to anyone that will listen.

When auditing their accounts from May 2019 until May 2022, Ferret is shocked to see that three separate companies have been employed by Independent Hemsworth Town Council to draw up plans.

Ferret would have thought that, Jim Kenyon (the not so) master builder with his years of (alleged) teaching experience at Barnsley College (which only happened in Kenyon land) would have been able to work without plans.

Oh no, silly Ferret that’s exactly what he did with the “free” farm (eyesore) store which he erected without planning permission which is still costing us thousands of pounds as he fights the process of having it removed.

The costs of the plans:


Wordsworth Sports Village Model and Construction Services £5400

MT Survey LTD £1068

A total of £25548 of our money spent on plans for the vanity projects of Kenyon, Eccles and Womersley.

And what do we have to show for it?

NOTHING, except the eyesore…

By Ferret

3 thought on “When a plan doesn’t come together…”
  1. Yes but… A very nice model village in a certain attic… Probably a railway running close by. Mmmn….

  2. What a lot of money totally wasted again by the Independant councillors all signed off by the Town Clerk again all for vanity projects again.These thousands of pounds could have and should have been spent on the community starting with the Notice boards that are taking that long to be put up in the community carrier pigeons bringing community news would be quicker.Thousands of pounds that could have helped so many in the community in these dreadful times,food banks,clothes banks ,warm banks all needing help but certain councillors think paying our precept money on plans being drawn up for more vanity schemes is more beneficial to them and sod the community.well the community can show their plans at next elections and VOTE the lot off.

  3. You keep going with your excellent work Julie. I will be watching and supporting you. X

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