Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Bonfire night saw Councillor Jean Eccles and her husband Councillor Gordon Eccles fall to their lowest level yet.

Even for them the greed and disdain shown for this community exceeded all previous levels.

Readers will remember the Eccles car park at Kinsley on the former Farmers club site was renovated at a cost of over £4000 of our money on the pretext that it would be used as a car park for events held at the Waterpark.

Car parking was then supposed to be provided free but even on its first use, the Eccles made a charge to members of the public.

£200 pounds was later repaid to the Council after a public outcry but Ferret believes this nowhere covered the amount actually taken.

The car park was subsequently used very little for Hemsworth Town Council for events at the Waterpark and recently Jean Eccles declared that it would not be available for use anymore.

There has been no repayment of the £4000 of this community’s money.

Last night saw the Eccles reopen the car park and charge £3 per car.

The car park was well used.

They had the gall to charge the people who had provided the original £4000 to renovate their own personal property.

What a shining example for the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council and her husband to show the world of the depths that they have plummeted to.

Unfortunately that is not all, people were being directed by the Eccles to use a new “café” located adjacent to the Waterpark for refreshments.

The café is located on land owned by the Eccles.

Every pound spent in there was a pound not spent in the Waterpark.

Money raised by sales is used to offset the costs of the event however any money spent in the new “café” would not benefit this community at all.

Anyone like to guess who the beneficiaries would be?

Unfortunately it gets worse and the reason Ferret uses “café” is that appears to be unregistered, has no food hygiene certificate and has had no change of use through planning.

The Eccles: Hot Diggerty Dog, They’ve got to Fill a pocket or Two.

Even for them this is as despicable as it gets, of course until the next one is exposed.

By Ferret

4 thought on “The Eccles: Hot Diggerty Dog, They’ve got to Fill a pocket or Two: More new Lows…”
  1. Totally,utterly shocking can only imagine that the community will want answers at the next council meeting if the councillors responsible turn up ,maybe we are jumping the gun and all the takings will be given to the HTC kitty which as we have been informed is almost dry and empty we will watch for the next accounts.The good councillors must now work together more than ever and bring in the changes NOW never mind May ,work together use your votes on the communities behalf and vote against any Independant proposals and remember we the community have the final VOTE on who is elected as councillors to serve our community.Our VOTES will count.

  2. They know exactly what they are doing and will not stop until every penny has been squeezed from this community for their own interests. If that includes bankrupting the waterpark even better. They can then buy it at a reduced price. Perhaps that’s what they intended all along.
    I cannot understand why, given all the evidence that exists, these people are not being brought to book. They must not be allowed to go scott free. We need to see justice being done. The people of Hemsworth deserve better, and those on the council who disagree with these shady dealings need to grow a backbone and start prosecuting. If it means spending money to recruit lawyers then so be it, but for goodness sake DO SOMETHING. Don’t wait till May.

  3. They do it without any shame or remorse… Because they can! No one does anything about it on the council, and apart from health and hygiene etc, they’re not actually breaking the law. So, they say to the police… Its scammer time (again) but you can’t touch this! And, it won’t be the last thing…

  4. The £4000 alegidly given by HTC, the people’s money,
    For what purpose was the money given as it clearly doesn’t benefit The people of the Parish.
    Who signed it off, was any questions asked to why we should fund the work? And how it would benefit the community, was the owners informed when required it was to be used by HTC
    As any councillors asked for the money to be repaid?
    Perhaps the town clerk would put something on the parish website.

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