Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

An interesting item is on the Hemsworth Town Council meeting scheduled for this week.

06 Hemsworth Waterpark – Invasive Fish In Lakes

To consider the incidence of invasive fish in the park.

Our angling community have been protesting very loudly and clearly about the condition of both the lakes and the fish stocks they contain.

Their protests were mostly met with deaf ears or even worse the commissioning of the “I know a man or company who can do this” routine.

This was to become the established way of handing out work at the cabal led Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

Until May 2019 the condition of the lakes and the fish therein was routinely monitored by engaging a university to carry out this work.

Qualified people, to carry out the much needed necessary checks on our wildlife, complete with an evidence based bona fide report to support their findings.

However as with almost everything else that Kenyon, the Eccles’ and co have overseen, the disastrous and rapid decline of the condition of our facilities continued despite more and more of our money apparently being thrown at them.

People and companies brought in to undertake any deemed necessary work, only for them to return time and time again, with payment of course, to redo or repair again.

Whilst ever cabal members, such as the Eccles’ and Kenyon are in positions of control and influence on this council, whatever is proposed should rightly be met with scepticism and disbelief.

While ever the role that Alan Draper, Town Clerk played, remains not investigated it should be met with scepticism and disbelief also.

The need to say no to anything that has any hint of a cabal connection is still vital.

Ferret believes any money spent now will probably end up with the work having to be redone after next May, when hopefully a new council will be in place to oversee it is spent correctly and wisely.

Perhaps suggesting that a survey be undertaken into what is under Kenyon’s free store or lurking buried in the trees at the Waterpark, may wipe the smiles of their faces, providing they have no connection choosing the company or showing them the area to be tested as happened with the infamous asbestos survey following the dumping in the waterpark.

They could even be allowed to dig!

The Right Time to Spend?

Ferret believes the right time to spend is not now and our community will understand why…

By Ferret

One thought on “Hemsworth Town Council Leisure and Recreation Meeting 3 November 2022: The Right Time to Spend?”
  1. On one of my rare visits through the park recently you can’t help but notice how the general appearance of the place all of it has gone really downhill those lakes look utterly neglected and in need of maintenance. There was blaring music if you could call it such blasting out of that pub and not a sinner to be seen as it was early morning. They also seem to have an extreme fondness of signs and notices along with a ghastly horrible looking cheap tacky fence around that area that used to be open seating all of which make the place drab and uninviting going in there would be like going in prison with all the gates and fences.
    That place should really have been left as it was more so in light of recent economic events and austerity all which gave off flashing red lights it’s never going to work as a pub and clearly the money spent on it could have been used to properly maintain the other areas.

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