Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has heard about the recent Bank Holiday event held at the Waterpark, complete with outdoor entertainment provided out of the community purse, that was held on a different day to the one the Town Council actually authorised.

To say that the event wasn’t actually successful would be an understatement with a distinct lack of community interest being shown in footfall.

However, of the very few that did attend even they were not made welcome and were even turfed out at teatime, being virtually kicked out very rudely.

They were reluctantly served at about 5pm but then given a loud verbal countdown every 5 minutes, from 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes even 2 minutes to their expected departure time.

Surprisingly this did not apply to all those present though.

After the people were turned away from the bar they went to the toilets, after being very reluctantly allowed to by the Waterpark powers that be.

However, before leaving, but on their way out they noticed drinks had been freshly served to another table.

What! this is outrageous you may think, but hold on a minute and Ferret will make it even more clear and definitely outrageous and unacceptable.

What was so special about this table you may wonder, to deserve such preferential treatment?

So they asked security why some people were still being served, they were told “they’re councillors”

Ferret was informed that seated at this table were Jean and Gordon Eccles, Jim Kenyon, Sam Knowles, David Pringle, the former Special Advisor to the Council and finally Marc Colpus, long-time ally of the “cabal”.

Ferret believes we shouldn’t grumble really, after all the peasants had been allowed in to Sewerage gardens, along with some obvious scum.

At the end of the day we only pay for it.

Below is photograph and a video that managed to capture some of the “entitled” named.

Readers of Ferret may remember Marc Colpus is a long standing friend of Jim Kenyon and has previously stood for election as a “cabal” Independent.

Ferret has to wonder with the upcoming election in the South Ward, if this was in fact a “cabal” meeting to select their candidate and election tactics.

Time will tell….

By Ferret

8 thought on “The Lakeside Bar: Who Can Get A Drink After Closing Time?”
  1. I hope a lot of people now realise that the cabal really do want the waterpark for themselves!!! Looks like this time thats exactly what they got…very cosy indeed. Kick out the peasants…lock the unauthorised gate and drink and fill your selfish greedy souls. The lot of them thinking they are entitled! Free beer and food for all cabal cronies! Terrible really !!!

  2. Question.. who is designated driver? Or is it a free for all in the lakeside flat 🤮
    JK spends a lot of time away from his bungalow especially overnight.
    Perhaps if he spent more time there he could sort the problems that are much closer to home. Or does is he proud of what his family has and is becoming? Wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. This matter should be reported to both the licensing authority and the Standards Officer. This type of behaviour has gone on far too long now. Kenyon and his entourage actually believe
    they can do whatever they like in full view of everyone else. It shows total contempt for members of the Community.

  4. If all the rumours are correct that are doing the rounds in Hemsworth regarding a certain candidate being put forward by his friends especially Councillor Kenyon then as a community the residents who have their say in who gets the vacant councillor position for the South Ward of Hemsworth please please use your VOTE very very wisely.After the planning meeting held on 4/8/22 it was proven that your elected ward councillors have no interest in helping the residents of the Highfields fight against the proposed housing development and are NOT attending the stage 2 meeting on 20/9/22 even though when challenged stated they would attend and as an ammendant list of councillors as been published we find NO south Ward councillor attending so councillor Hirst needs asking why he is not attending at the next planning meeting .As a community and especially the South Ward use your vote that will be right for what this community needs and use your vote to choose the right councillor who will serve and work for the community and not themselves,make your VOTE count.

  5. My concern is do the majority in South ward know what is going on? I’m not in South ward so I don’t have a say. I just don’t understand why the monitoring office allows them to get away with everything. They were reported after the leaflet drop. But despite CCTV, despite seeing the leaflets, despite seeing Jean Eccles Facebook post which was more or less reproduced on the leaflet. All the monitoring office said was there wasn’t enough evidence for it to be worth their while looking into it!! I was once told by them that so long as it’s voted for they can do whatever they want!!

  6. They are not to be trusted at all. Come May 2023 the village seats are all up. Also there will be a district seat. Ian Womersley’s seat is up for contest. Someone remind me what he has achieved so far? Just in case he stands again what can he put forward as his successes?

  7. Julie, as you witnessed when I challenged Councillor Hirst in a meeting, he said his views weren’t the same as the community he purports to represent. Of course he’s not going to attend… And as he pointed out he has work commitments. So, the residents really don’t matter.

  8. lets hope someone upsets their election plans hey looks like the toxic flotsam as blown off water and landed on the scum table

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