Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

In the Leisure and Recreation meeting held on 21 July 2022


To confirm the arrangements for this year’s bonfire night event.

Mr Alan Draper – Town Clerk, informed the meeting that he needed to know if the Councillors wanted to keep the arrangements the same as last year or make some changes?

Ferret would have thought that Mr Alan Draper would have been able to provide the meeting with suggestions for improvements to previous events which would aid a discussion, Silly Ferret!

One Councillor did have a huge suggestion for the event – Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council – Jean Eccles.

Jean Eccles was quick to inform the meeting that in her opinion the Bonfire Night celebrations should NOT be held on 5 November 2022.

She seemed to believe that the traditional event, should now be moved and take place on 4 November.

Her justification for this…

Ferret thinks the meeting would still be ongoing, waiting for any justifiable reasoning behind her trail of thought.

It did get Ferret thinking though:

  • Does Jean already have a private party planned for “her park” once she shuts “her gate” at half past six on 5 November 2022?
  • Has Jean already decided she could make use of the Town Council’s K8 Burger Van at two separate events?


Ferret assumes that the Farmers Car Park which YOU paid to be cleared for events such as this will be OPEN and parking will be FREE OF CHARGE…

By Ferret

3 thought on “Remember, Remember the 4th of November…”
  1. It was strange to try and move Bonfire nite from traditional 5th Nov to the 4th without explaining the reasoning for wanting to move it.What was more interesting was finally councillor Graham Hirst spoke but only to agree with councillor Eccles to move it to the 4th Nov again no explanation as to why ,surely having it on a weekend on the 5th is better for families who having working parents and grandparents and it is more difficult on a work nite more of a rush .Thankfully the councillors that were there remained traditionalist and it is to remain as it should be on the 5th Nov.Strange or maybe not this is remember Independant run HTC.

  2. Yes but Julie, depends whose interest it serves to move the event. You assume that they should be putting the interests of the community first. Lol. Have we learned nothing about these so called politicians with a small p?

    Traditionalism, that’s just another concept that’ll have them reaching for the Bodgersaurus to see what it means. How sad it is that after the public has clearly spoken out about its concerns, including a vote of no confidence in the previous Chair, that we are still at the mercy of the Cabal. Oh well, maybe we should just buy another burger from K8’s… cold comfort food!

  3. Will be interesting to see if this item makes another appearance on the agenda, when the other councillors are present to agree with the chair and move to the 4th.
    Remember Cllr Kenyon, Cllr G Eccles etc weren’t at this meeting

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