Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

May 2019, saw the “Independents” take control of Hemsworth Town Council.

They inherited first class facilities ranging from the Waterpark, Sports Complexes and Community Centres.

As reported, these had been previously well maintained due to planned maintenance schemes being in place, competent staff and proper budget provisions being made.

This is normally standard and routine practice for any reputable company especially a local authority.

Did this independent council follow this procedure, no, instead they opted for another alternative that included:

  • Lowering wage rates to much needed seasonal workers
  • Pay that in some cases, could be described as workhouse rates
  • The Council allowed “councillors” to give orders to staff that led to essential work being neglected, planned maintenance being discontinued and disgruntled staff.
  • Staff left and were replaced amid allegations of cronyism taking place with the appointment of family and friends of councillors being employed.

Worse still they were not able to perform the roles they were employed to undertake.

The inevitable happened and the neglect is now obviously apparent.

There was also another factor running alongside this mayhem, it started with the Eccles’ gate being erected on the Hoyle Mill access road and the keys given to the Eccles’.

Then Councillor Ian Womersley apparently came up with the bright idea to safeguard the Waterpark by putting it into a Trust.

The Waterpark has never in its history been under threat of disposal by any previous council yet for some reason Ian Womersley wanted to create a Trust so that Hemsworth Town Council could give it to the Trustees to decide on all issues concerning the Waterpark.

This would include its sale.

A very valuable asset used, bought and paid for by this community, to be simply given away, coincidently the only people who have ever stated the wanted ownership of the Waterpark are the Eccles’.

The same Eccles’ that now have keys to the access gate!

Members of our community were and are being prevented access to the Waterpark when the Eccles lock the gate and the Lakes have been the source of constant complaints from the anglers due to their deterioration from 2019.

Waste has been dumped and buried there and land scarred by Kenyon and his digger.

Costly remedial work is required.

Many are of the opinion that all of this neglect is part of a plan to bankrupt this council to facilitate the sale of assets.

The Club Terrace land is already under threat at Fitzwilliam, where Hemsworth Town Council have held secret meetings with the developers and are refusing to divulge any details of those meetings.

If they follow their usual pattern, this township would see little if any benefit from any proceeds from the sale.

Cash payments, petty cash, friends and relations companies continue to be made and used.

These last months of this Town Councils term of office could be of critical importance to this community and our assets.

Ferret believes that we must remain vigilant to ensure we have something that are available for our future generations to use and are kept to an acceptable standard that we all already pay for and deserve.

The State of Facilities – Incompetence, Plan or maybe both?

You decide…

By Ferret

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