Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

We’ve all probably seen those TV make over shows where whatever it is they renovate, they follow the same pattern, by cheap, renovate to an acceptable standard within a pre-set budget and either enjoy the results themselves or sell on at a profit.

It’s tried and trusted and usually works, well at least on the telly anyway.

Ferret has been looking at the way Independent Hemsworth Town Council have been operating their asset purchasing and improving programme over the last 3 years.

From Diggers to mobile Catering vans to Free Storage buildings, Hemsworth Town Council bucks the trend and goes for an alternative approach.

A tried and trusted way, by them if no one else.

Put simply, buy old, buy expensively and spend an extortionate amount on refurbishment and repair to try to bring up to a usable standard.

What you may say, who gains from that?

The seller obviously, laughing all the way to the bank as the saying goes.

The firms or individuals who undertake the work to bring them up to standard, better still if they are friends or relations and are paid in cash and what about V.A.T. well simply add it on the bill whether they are registered or not.

But surely you may be saying there must be some increase in value of these precious assets?

Ferret believes the recent offers to buy the Digger have come up with the best one being around half the original purchase price, excluding any additional costs.

And here was Ferret believing that little used vehicles brought a better market price, I wonder what could possibly have gone wrong, for us anyway?

Any ideas anyone?

Anyone know anyone who wishes to buy some plant and machinery, you never know, Independent Hemsworth Town Council may wish to buy them back when they’ve been well used and are in need of some expensive repair work one day…

By Ferret

One thought on “Buying and Selling: The Independent Hemsworth Town Council Way…”
  1. Those contraptions lumps of old iron not worth a toot on a rag man’s horn. This parish was well and truly shafted with the purchase of them big time and the whole disgusting debacle needs thoroughly looking into

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