Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

The Roller repair…

Ferret found it extremely difficult to locate the exact details of the company which had recently completed the Roller Repair at Independent Hemsworth Town Council, but with the help of some other “Ferrets” some further headway has been made.

When searching on the Government website ( ) which contains details of all the companies in the United Kingdom the following company can be located:

ART PROJECTS LIMITED – Company number 11098846

Puzzle solved?

Unfortunately not, for Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

Firstly, the companies nature of business:

  • 46510 – Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
  • 47910 – Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet

Oh dear, Computers and Roller Repairs don’t seem to go together in Ferret’s mind.

Unfortunately for Independent Hemsworth Town Council there’s more bad news:

  • Company status – Dissolved
  • Dissolved on – 16 March 2021

Why is this bad news?

Because the date for repairs to the Roller with a cost of £511.02,  is in the accounts for February 2022.

On checking the date when the invoice was paid it states “above paid on 03/03/ 2022 by online payment ref 1030”

Nearly one full year after the company was dissolved.

There is of course, the possibility that this is not the same company and just a coincidence, after all what did Jim Kenyon’s once favourite Forensic expert point out in his report that sometimes takes place, bogus workers on the books.

Now that rings a bell with Ferret, there was a “worker” who was allegedly based at the Waterpark since the Independent Cabal took charge, who openly said he was not employed by Hemsworth Town Council but by a Councillor who had told him he was going to own the Waterpark.

The man’s job, believe it or not was to service and repair the plant and machinery and his name was not too dissimilar from the name on this invoice.

Ferret therefore wonders, as there has been a large amount of spending on repairs since 2019:

  • Who actually paid this man’s wages and who were the invoices actually paid to in reality?
  • Was the work undertaken really needed?
  • Were any alternative quotes obtained?
  • Was there any VAT added to these invoice amounts?
  • Was there any check that the VAT was legitimately payable
  • Was any VAT reclaimed if paid, as is allowable for a council.

Part of the Town Clerk, Mr Alan Drapers responsible financial officer’s role is to show due diligence.

  • Has due diligence played any part in any of the above activities since 2019?

Ferret believes this highlights the reason a Forensic Investigation needs to be undertaken at Independent Hemsworth Town Council and that it should include all the financial dealings that this Council has been involved in since 2019.

The Town Clerk’s role and that of any Councillors involved, should be fully investigated in all  financial matters as necessary.

Those Town Councillors who still believe this can be undertaken by a normal accountant need to wake up and realise that this is a job that requires a fully qualified Forensic auditor to investigate, as the deceptions may be widespread and far reaching with enormous implications for those involved and this Township.

Due diligence needs to reach into all corners of this Town Council, this community deserves no less from its elected representatives…

By Ferret

One thought on “One of the many reasons we need a Full Forensic Audit at Independent Hemsworth Town Council…”
  1. This is just one example where, on the surface everything looks to be above board and in order but, beneath the surface things just don’t add up.
    There’s probably many others which FoI requests just can’t unearth.
    The devil is in the detail – always!
    Great work Ferret et al.

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