Hemsworth Town Council Meeting – 07 April 2022
Here is the recording of the Town Council Meeting from 7th April 2022. Ferret would like to thank Lyn Morton for making the recording.
Here is the recording of the Town Council Meeting from 7th April 2022. Ferret would like to thank Lyn Morton for making the recording.
Here is the recording of the Leisure and Recreation Meeting from 7th April 2022. Ferret would like to thank Lyn Morton for making the recording.
Tonight is the reconvened meeting of last weeks Town Council Meeting, which ended abruptly for members of the public as Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council “flounced”…
Ferret has taken the following from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-7-principles-of-public-life The Seven Principles of Public Life outline the ethical standards those working in the public sector are expected to adhere to. They were…
At the Hemsworth Town Council meeting held on 24 March 2022, Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair was asked a question regarding the Marquee which him and his Independent colleagues chose to…
Ferret has been provided with the “income” ledger which shows what Independent Hemsworth Town Council has banked between 1 April 2021 and 31 January 2022. Here is the document in…
Ferret has been made aware that two further documents have been added by Wakefield Council to their online portal. These relate to a proposed development on the fields at the…
When looking through the January 2022 accounts of Independent Hemsworth Town Council, Ferret came across yet more legal costs which have been paid to Cornerstone Barristers with respect to Saul…
As per the recent post on Ferret, a retrospective planning application for the storage/ farm building has been received by Wakefield Council. This has been submitted by Mr Sam Ruthven,…