Readers of Ferret may recall that Independent Hemsworth Town Council led by Mr Jim Kenyon, looked intent to sell off a number of assets belonging to the good people of our Township back in 2021.
One of these was a strip of land in Fitzwilliam adjacent to Newstead allotments.
After already spending £5400 on a valuation of the land and a further £378.24 to advertise their intent to sell the land in the local press, they decided to actually speak to the residents this would affect.

Following one single meeting it was quickly decided to not sell the land after all.
Ferret just can’t help but wonder if Independent Hemsworth Town Council should have done this first, before wasting our money on a valuation and advertisement…
Kenyon has only one agenda, his own. We’ve seen it times many, More money wasted again, he’s is and always has been and always will be, a walking disaster.
How much more can actually be thrown away? The Venga debacle, K8s mobile cafe, a leaky ripped tent… And legal fees. Not to mention a set of Tonka toys parked up at the Waterpark. Does this man know the first thing about business? I’m surprised he doesn’t as his colleagues are multi millionaires. But, here’s the rub. It’s not his money, it’s ours. So… Why should he do his due diligence?
David – I’m just doing a spreadsheet for how much the FREE storage unit cost US up to date, and let me tell you it’s not a small amount. And still rising.