Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Today “Kalamity” Kenyon faces the fight for his political life, the vote of no confidence, Ferret knew he had been too quiet and would not accept the eventual inevitable outcome for his mismanagement and mishandling of Hemsworth Town Council’s (our) finances.

What is this not so cunning plan to attempt to elude the blame for the lack of finances that now appear to be resulting in signs of neglect at nearly everything that this community owns, ranging from the Waterpark, Community centre and even Sandygate lane football facilities?

It has been brought Ferret’s attention that in tonight’s meetings Jim Kenyon intends to blame the “last lot”  for his present problems, well no change there is there Jimmy? Further, to back it up, he is to produce a report from approximately 12 to 13 years ago that will prove all his claims and the great expert has been right all along. Be careful though Jim, as Ferret believes Gordon and Jean Eccles were on that council, so don’t go upsetting Jean by reminding her.

The report,  according to an inside source, is one which the previous Council of that time, had actually commissioned from a firm called Steve Wells Associates, (no known connection to any member of the Council). Its job was to assess the Sandygate sports complex up to that date, warts and all. This was needed as the construction had had to be varied which is not unusual in any build, including constraints of the site and the addition of another grass junior pitch which was over and above the original plan for a floodlight 3G pitch and full size adult pitch. It was added at the request of the football users.

Unfortunately Kenyon has played this card before, he must have forgotten, which is very unusual for this Einstein of a man. Kenyon and co had not only contacted the Hemsworth Express who ran the article, but also Look North, the regional tv  programme who came out and then ran the story.

What is really astounding about this, this is when Kenyon had just returned from Ayr in Scotland, where he had just destroyed that community’s Greyhound, football and social stadium, running away leaving nearly half a million pounds of debt behind and a community in Tatters and distress. Yet here he was trying to prevent progress in his home village.

The report did identify issues including the “run-offs” on the 3G pitch now being incorporated in the overall size. He of course said they were missing along with the storage area, the social area and raised questions about the drainage of the football pitch.

To resolve all the issues the then Council and Sports England met with the Planning department, with the District Valuer in attendance who had drawn up the contract. An agreement was reached that all parties were satisfied with and appropriate alterations were made as required.

A specialist FA football expert was brought in to investigate the drainage and turf, his name was James Westwood, who believe it or not was the consultant who was used for the new Wembley Stadium no less. His verdict was to say it was fit for immediate use and he even provided a maintenance schedule at the request of the council to keep it in tip top condition.

Sports England removed their objection at planning and the new complex at Sandygate was brought into use.

Did That satisfy Kenyon?

No of course not, as we all know by now who is the expert planning expert, Wakefield or Kenyon?

Yes that’s Right…Kenyon

Who is the expert at judging sports like for like, Sport England or Kenyon

Yes that’s right again…Kenyon

Who is the expert Turf and Drainage Expert, The FA consultant or Kenyon?

Yes right again…Kenyon of course.

The Sports facilities opened in 2011 after being delayed for over a year by Kenyon, with a clean bill of health.

A “sink fund” a pot of money, was set to be readily available for any repairs that may become necessary, through wear and tear and believe it or not deliberate damage was also encountered, to ensure the site would meet FA specifications when retested, which Ferret believes is annually, to comply with their requirements etc.

So Mr Kenyon, looking at the accounts it looks like you have had to wait for the new precept payment to be received before you could repair the 3G pitch. Where has that sink funding been used?

  • a sixties pub perhaps
  • or to fence a Councillors’ own property
  • or to clear their waterway
  • or to purchase goods or services from their companies
  • or to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds of legal fees
  • or to fund the Jim Kenyon Vengaboys tribute
  • or to fund pie in the sky personal glorification schemes
  • or provide jobs and accommodation for friends and employees
  • or to purchase gifts.

Perhaps you should have not thrown petty cash about like confetti then you would have had plenty available to meet this Community’s needs.

It’s probably best if Ferret doesn’t mention the broken pledge to reduce the precept by £200000 from the first year.

As for the Community Centre, Ferret does not know what excuse you are to make for its current state, but it will obviously be to pass the blame for your lack of maintenance. Then again you could try blaming the last lot and of course “Sauly” but Ferret urges caution because as we all know he whooped your backside legally and every other way at the last encounter.

Ferret has also noted you have enlisted another Facebook alias to fight your corner, praising your success at the Saul mediation talks and wanting to know why the last Council didn’t pursue them for interest.

The answer has been reported before but here it is again Mr Kenyon or Jean or whatever you want to be called.

The last Council not only took legal advice from a “Queens Counsel” but FOLLOWED IT.

So Mr Kenyon, why did you not read that advice and follow it before you spent approximately £200000 of our money chasing your pipe dream and throwing away our money that you now apparently desperately need?

One last point from Ferret for today: Councillors, when Mr Kenyon asks for anything more for the sports complex remind him there is still £300000 available as section 106 money from the sale of the Kirkby road site, the athletics component money which included the floodlights being taken into account.

Oh, hold on a minute, that great successful mediation “victory” meant you had to sign away all claim to that money didn’t it? Well you can still go cap in hand to Wakefield I suppose, best of luck with that one.

So for originality for your excuse it’s got to be 0 out of 10, must try harder.

Better still RESIGN.

By Ferret

3 thought on “Kenyon Retire? Never: Another Not So Cunning Plan…”
  1. He’s clinging on like a leech but not even as intelligent. For god’s sake resign

  2. The sad thing is, they take the public for fools. We’ve asked all along for Jim et Al to provide evidence to counter that provided by Ferret. We’ve not made allegations, but we’ve listened and read everything that’s been put out on social media, and is being talked about in the community.

    No matter what Jim does now, he’s lost public support. We have drawn adverse inference from his and others refusal to speak with us, and to explain how Ferret and the rest of the public who don’t want this type of politics have got it so wrong.

    If Ferret has it so wrong, simply go to the Police Mr Kenyon. Believe me, its rubbish to keep saying that they can’t get to a person who writes under a pseudonym or uses a VPN. They CAN! But, they won’t if its a freedom of speech issue, with no evidence of libel or defamation of character. They have to consider amongst other things whether it’s on the public interest and chances of any successful prosecution. My bet is there would be NO CHANCE.

    So, its going to be more of the same. Jim won’t take a hike, and we will lurch from one mess to another. Its only our precept money, and our credibility as an electorate Jim. So, don’t worry about our feelings, and for goodness sake don’t let a little thing like the truth put you off! Plan 2036, “it wasn’t me.” Waterpark Venga debacle, “it wasn’t me.” Saul crusade, “it wasn’t me.” Nepotism, bullying, purchasing services and resources which have financially benefited certain Councillors, “it wasn’t me.”.
    But for goodness sake be careful because soon you could Dall foul of copywrite…with a certain Mr Shaggy having cornered the “it wasn’t me” catchphrase that you’ve usurped.
    All we ask is what you promised. Transparency, truth and integrity. That’s right.. What you promised.

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