Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

As previously reported by Ferret, the land at the side of the Farmers club as was, was never part of the club itself, and was used by local residents as a car park and more importantly a footpath had been established from Fitzwilliam street to Wakefield road and was in regular use.

Ferret being Ferret decided to take a relook into this and has established that the land was originally owned by the Betts family, a well-known Kinsley Family and subsequently sold on. 

Some years after that, at some point it became registered to A&G Groundworks with no mention of any purchase from the previous owner. So whether it was purchased or “land grabbed” is open for speculation.

However what is clear and disturbing is that the Deeds highlight what Ferret has previously published, the existence of a roadway to the side of the adjacent houses that overlook the site.

It is actually called Ivy Street and from this road is a footpath to Fitzwilliam Street.

As we have seen, the site wasn’t fenced off until comparatively recently and only then with our money, by Hemsworth Town Council, the main beneficiaries being Councillors Eccles’ at an admitted cost of over £4000.

Then again Councillor Eccles did return, after public pressure, £208 bless him, how very generous.

Significantly, it  would seem to confirm the blocking of a roadway without any necessary authority or permission to do so, sounds familiar?

Yes the closure of the access road to the Waterpark and who benefits and controls that access? The Eccles…

By Ferret

One thought on “<strong>Update: Here We Go Again – The Land at Kinsley Farmers Site…</strong>”
  1. Good woke, Ferret. And thank you to whoever bought this plan so we could find out this information.

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