Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Hemsworth Town Council Budget Provision Figures For Services…

A reader has shared with Ferret, Independent Hemsworth Town Council’s Budget figures, as released by the Mr Alan Draper, Clerk.

On review, they raise some interesting questions that Ferret believes need answering.

Capital Projects

A capital project is a large and expensive project to build or improve a capital asset such as a building, etc.The following have been listed under capital projects for substantial funding.

The Community Centre:

For 2 successive years figures of £114,902 and £99,080 are shown, these are very large amounts of money:

  • What was this money allocated for?
  • Was this money actually used in the Community Centre?
  • If not where was this money used and why?

New Builds

For 2 successive years figures of £32,000 and £32,000 are shown, again these are large amounts of money:

  • What was this money allocated for?
  • Was this money actually used for that purpose?
  • If not where was this money used and why?

Sandygate Football Facilities

Once again for 2 consecutive years, figures of  £52,223 and £60,700 are shown. These are again very large amounts of our money which are allocated as capital projects:

  1. What was this money allocated for?
  2. Was this money actually used  for this purpose?
  3. If not where was this money used and why?

Also of concern to Ferret is the following:

Garage Site Rents

No rental income is shown for the last 3 years for the Garages that are on land owned by Hemsworth Town Council. The amount of money is small but the consequences of not charging the rent are not, so Independent Hemsworth Town Council:

  • Why has this money not been collected?
  • What safeguards have you put in place to ensure non collection of rent does not jeopardise the ownership of the land they are sited on?

By Ferret

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