Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

At the Hemsworth Town council meeting on the 24 March 2022, Multi-Millionaire Councillor Jean Eccles, launched a vicious attack on Ferret. This was an obvious attempt to deflect the issues of the night from Mr Jim Kenyon and themselves and portray themselves as the victims of an unscrupulous campaign by Ferret who she called scum.

She fired an “emotional” blast at Ferret, saying Ferret had lied over the use of her CCTV cameras in a post. She stated that the image of the person she had posted was in her garden, unfortunately  for Jean her memory appears to be as selective as Jim Kenyon’s and she has apparently forgotten about the image she had posted on her own Facebook page and the comments she had made.

The image clearly shows the person in question not on the Eccles’ property but on the access road owned by Wakefield Council, along with the comment about someone “casing” her home. Distressing no doubt for the person filmed and branded a potential thief who later came forwarded and said they had simply been admiring the ornate wrought iron railings.

Scum score: Jean Eccles 1 : Ferret 0

Jean Eccles you have broken the law on the use of CCTV and the offensive image and comment was still on your Facebook page even that night.

Scum score: Jean Eccles 2 : Ferret 0

Jean Eccles then went on to say she had not broken the law on the use of CCTV as she lives at the Waterpark. Freudian slip here Jean, you don’t live at the Waterpark, you live adjacent to the Waterpark, at least at present.

Scum score: Jean Eccles 3 : Ferret 0

Ferret then became the subject of an outburst where she brought into question the validity of  the ferret posts. Well Jean is it untrue that Precept payers money was spent on:

Your property, The former Farmers club site?

Scum score: Jean Eccles 4 : Ferret 0

Your property the waterway adjacent to your land that you are responsible for in law to maintain

Scum score: Jean Eccles 5 : Ferret 0

You used precept payers money to purchase a laptop

Scum score: Jean Eccles 6 : Ferret 0

Your companies are used for services and procurement

Scum score: Jean Eccles 7 : Ferret 0

You have control of a gate that restricts access to a public park on a WMDC owned road

Scum score: Jean Eccles 8 : Ferret 0

You allow your dogs to run loose and terrify people in a public area

Scum score: Jean Eccles 9 : Ferret 0

You recommended, a man who was the former secretary of your company to “balance” Hemsworth Town Council’s accounts. Ferret has to wonder why this was needed?

Scum score: Jean Eccles 10 : Ferret 0

You accuse the Ferret of lying, hypocrisy at its worst

Scum score: Jean Eccles 11 : Ferret 0

We seem to have a clear winner of the title of SCUM here don’t we Jean?

Time for one last word RESIGN

By Ferret

3 thought on “Jean Eccles or Ferret: Which one is Scum? You decide…”
  1. She probably thinks she’s ‘entitled’ to call us the peasants scum. If we’re all scum what does that make her and her partner’s in crime. It makes me wonder how her brain works. What a disgrace to herself and this area she is supposed to be representing.

  2. dogs got a kennel and run know in corner of yard ,,they must have been reading your post ferret lol

  3. That’s good to hear carol, but why did it have to take the Eccles’ to be named and shamed to do the right thing and after their dogs had attacked people numbers of times. Well done Ferret and shame on the Eccles for taking so long to protect the public.

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