Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Tonight there is a meeting to be held in the main hall, Hemsworth Town Council Community Centre, Bullenshaw Road, Hemsworth, commencing at 7.15pm.

This is the agenda:

Ferret would like to share with my readers two comments which have been left on in the last week:


“As a resident of Springvale Rise I have seen all the evidence now stacking up against the Independent Town councillors and in particular it’s Chair, all this evidence has been presented to Mr Draper Town clerk showing that all this community is being lied to time and time again. There has been NO 350 letters issued to residents as stated in a letter sent by Councillor Kenyon, NO full consultation done by the Independent councillors with its residents with regard to Wakefield Plan2036 and LP21, NO emails sent to ALL councillors making them aware of the plan, NO statement of Information community Plan done with our residents but Ackworth council were asked to confirm they followed all the plan guidance and their residents have been consulted from the beginning by their newsletter dated NOV2020 by being asked to complete their objections on a survey they have worked together as a council should with their parishioners where as our council have done nothing engaging with our community only lied and lied meeting after meeting and used excuses for their incompetence .It’s time now to have our say as a community and we need to do this by attending HTC meetings and have our say at public questions let the Independent councillors know this community as had enough it’s time they started listening to the community and remember VOTES do count and the people who can change the way this Independent council is run is the community at election time and the decent councillors who must show the community that they do care and use their votes to get those that don’t OUT ,time to RESIGN before our community is destroyed.”


Nice one Julie. As we know the correspondence is between myself and in name Jim Kenyon. But, in reality it’s Alan Draper writing the letters with Mr Kenyon sat beside him. I say this, as unlike those people we are totally transparent, and we stand up for values of integrity and putting the community before self-interest.

We are now on letter 3 in reply to Mr Kenyon, and it’s clear that delaying tactics are being used. Each time we write back another letter comes seeking further clarification. This time we have had to provide the question we want to raise. There are 25 in total, concerned with finances and conduct. Let’s be clear, we haven’t made any allegations. We are reading and hearing things which concern us, and we are asking why the Independent Councillors, the Chairman and the Clerk are both refusing to answer our questions or to take steps to silence social media. All the allegations appear either here or on Facebook, and community members are openly talking about them. We want to know the truth.

We have clearly been lied to over Plan 2036, and it goes far deeper. We deserve councillors who actually care. Such as you.

We encourage as many people as possible to turn up at the next council meeting, and make their voices heard. It’s shambolic what is happening to our local communities. We recognise that there are HTC councillors who do actually care, and we hope they understand our motivation. We just want the best for Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam. And, so far we appear to be seeing the worst in some of our councillors. To the Clerk, we say shame on you for saying that essentially you are just doing what you are told to do, particularly by the Chair. You have a professional responsibility and this will include advising councillors of points of law, financial regulations and ensuring they are aware of matters of importance. How sad, you say you that you missed all of the other proposed sites because at the time the “hot potato” was the Saul land. It’s no coincidence that Mr Kenyon had a personal beef with Saul is it?

Anyway, both Mr Kenyon and Mr Draper will have all of the questions soon enough. But, then what new delaying tactic will they use? At this rate we will have a new council and a new Chair before we get the answers that we should have.

Ferret would urge residents to attend the Town Council meeting if they are able to.

If not, it is possible to watch the meeting via zoom, the details for the meeting are:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 841 3387 3312 Passcode: 725458

By Ferret

6 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council Meeting – Tonight…”
  1. He’s thrown teddy out of his cot.
    RESIGN Kenyon you are a disgrace.

  2. Hemsworth residents wanted to know why a Parish Meeting, requested in mid February, still hadn’t been arranged. Cllr Kenyon told us he wanted an agenda first. Hopefully, a meeting will be arranged ASAP – no more delays, with all the necessary administration in place to make any voting valid.
    There was confusion around a Council Meeting vs a Parish Meeting, so I’ve written up some notes, sent to our dear Ferret in the hope that they are shared (sending shortly).
    We must ensure that the Town Clerk organises the Parish Meeting in line with all the requirements, otherwise it’s legitimacy can be challenged, and possibly won’t count.

    There is no such thing as an Informal Council Meeting – this has been created by Cllr Kenyon in order to avoid a legitimate Parish Meeting.
    I will be writing to the Wakefield Monitoring Officer after last night’s meeting – not because Cllr Kenyon walked out but because he demonstrated his total lack of competence.

    Parish Meetings are quite distinct from Parish Council Meeting, although the two are often confused.
    The confusion arises for several reasons:
    a) If present, the Chairman of the Parish Council must chair the Parish Meeting.
    b) The Clerk to the Parish Council organises and takes minutes of the Parish Meeting.
    c) The Annual Parish Meeting often takes place on the same evening as the AGM of the Parish Council.
    Some of the differences are as follows:
    a) Any person on the electoral register of the Parish is entitled to speak at a Parish Meeting, but at a meeting of the Parish Council, members of the public may speak only at the Chairman’s discretion.
    b) Apart from the Chairman, all councillors rank the same as other members of the electorate.
    c) Agendas for Parish Council meetings must be published 3 days ahead of the meeting but for Parish Meetings, a skeleton agenda is usually published ahead of the meeting, but often items are added up to and even during the meeting.
    d) Only Councillors may request items to be placed on the agenda of a Parish Council meeting, whereas any member of the electorate may do so at a Parish Meeting.
    e) Any matter pertinent to the parish may be discussed at a Parish Meeting, whereas at a Parish Council meeting subjects for discussion should be limited to those matters on which the council has the power to act (conferred by various Acts of Parliament).
    f) The press and public have a right to attend Parish Meetings, but anyone not on the electoral register of the parish is a “stranger” and does not have the right to vote.
    In brief:
    A Parish Meeting is a meeting of the people of the parish.
    A Parish Council Meeting is a meeting of the parish councillors.
    A Parish Meeting can be called by 6 residents of a parish who have the right to vote at an election.
    Notices of the Parish Meeting must be posted to ensure sufficient publicity is given to the meeting.
    At the Parish Meeting, all issues are decided by a majority of those present and voting.
    Each resident of a Parish eligible to vote at an election, has one vote per issue.

  3. Hi Linda, we have complied with everything this Town Council has asked of us in trying to get the Parish Meeting.

    I initially requested it at the Public Metting in February. With 78 hands raised to support the request. Then after the meeting Councillor Kenyon and Clerk Draper said it wasn’t a formal meeting, so I needed to put in a written request. I did this, with over 40 signatures supporting the request. They wrote back saying that we had the required numbers, so now could we submit the agenda. I did that too. They wrote back again asking for the questions and it goes on and on… As Mr Kenyon works his way to the next election of a Chair Person.
    In truth, they’re filibustering. We know they use this tactic.

    Last night I again requested the meeting, having worked on a strategy that WMDC would become aware of the inevitable debacle and appoint someone to look very closely at what is happening here. We expected Councillor Kenyon to close the meeting, though we tried to be civil with him and not give him an excuse.
    As you see on the video he focused on an individual who was passionately asking questions about the Plan 2036 fiasco, and Councillor Kenyon used his exit strategy because he couldn’t wriggle out of questions about his poor stewardship of HTC.

    I will clarify regarding the Saul example I gave in respect to just 1 of the many ridiculous episodes where HTC have wasted our precept money. It is true that HTC were defendants, but I understand this was because despite advice to complete the contract with Saul builders, the great minds Mr Kenyon and 1 other I particular, decided to go against legal advice. They lost in Court, and then they proceeded to an appeal where they lost again. A complete waste of money! But, Mr Kenyon still believes his own rhetoric.
    I am sorry that the Councillors did not get to deal with other agenda items, but I had to stand up again because Mr Kenyon and the Clerk tried to gloss over the further request for a Parish Meeting. To make progress as Mr Kenyon kept putting it.
    The truth is that people are tired of this incompetence and of being ignored when Mr Kenyon makes his mind up that he wants to do things his way, regardless of the cost.

    And, I will say that it isn’t only Mr Kenyon. The Clerk is the paid professional, who has responsibilities and obligations. These include administrative tasks, as well as advising councillors and ensuring they are aware of important issues. How on earth this Clerk can admit he took his eye off the ball and missed information about Plan 2036 is beyond me. I honestly believe that many of our councillors really were not aware of LP21 and this is because they were kept in the dark by these two. That said, every Councillor should ensure they have their finger on the pulse of the community.

    Compare and contrast the info that Ackworth Parish Council put out about Plan 2036 with the Beano edition featuring Desperate Dan aka Mr Kenyon that our council put out. Nothing about Plan 2036. It’s a joke, but sadly one that they’re playing on us.

    Hopefully, now the councillors will get on board with the request to get a new Chair and Councillors who can effectively represent this community. And, wasn’t Julie brilliant…. Absolutely exploded the lies about Plan 2036 and particularly LP21. Though let’s not forget the other 6 proposed sites.


  4. after looking on link for initial draft plans,,i was gob smacked at the proposals for kinsley amount of housing proposed . looking at the paper work from meeting on thursday it states 7 local residents with addresses in hemsworth kinsley fitzwilliam were notified by post and 7 by email ..i take these people are involved with htc …and nothing as been said about housing at kinsley at any meeting so i ask why have the 3 councillors of kinsley not held a meeting with locals to state the intentions for kinsley ? declartions of intrest?could it be 2 of these councillors will benefit from the housing proposed ..shame on htc and i know it may sound minor to whats happening in hemsworth but kinsley and fitzwilliam have the same rights to fight back but we didnt cause councillors failed to tell there respected public and hide the facts …is it to late for kinsley to fight back and say no ? …

  5. Hi Carol,
    We only found out about the proposed site LP21 when Julie saw surveyors in the field last Summer. Our council hadn’t informed any residents. There are 7 sites in and around Hemsworth, including Kinsley. You will see from past comments we have said it isn’t only LP21. Unfortunately, when we made our enquiries we were told we couldn’t be joined as commentors. So, despite over 200 objections to LP21, we essentially had missed the boat. Undeterred we pressed the council, and two independents promised us all the support we needed. But… It ended up with us going to MP Jon Trickett who was allowed to attend the meeting with the Inspector and he has raised our concerns. WMDC will not accept that they used the path of least resistance in consulting with local residents, and organisations. We are still waiting for the Inspectors decision. One of the points Jon made was the loss of regional identities as Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam essentially are merged together by the ribbon development.
    I would advise you speak with your local Councillor.
    We feel that all 3 communities, Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam have been failed by our Town Council. But, please understand that we know not all councillors were in the know. Information sharing doesn’t appear to be high on the list of priorities with the Town Clerk and Chair of HTC.
    Jon’s office and Ferret have been very helpful. Regards

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