Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

This is the storage unit which Mr Kenyon assured his fellow Councillors and the public did not need planning permission, when it actually does and Wakefield Council have already issued proceedings as a result of his negligence.

Ferret has already posted that Independent Hemsworth Town Council paid £3700 to have “asbestos removed” from it. This is the building which Mr Jim Kenyon assured his fellow Councillors was less than ten years old. Ferret does not believe that asbestos would have been used in a building of this age.

In addition to the £3700 costs show above there are further costs shown in the accounts:

23/02/2021 Daniel Bell Welding & Fabricat £450 Drill holes/fabricate new build

24/02/2021 M GODFREY £250 Scaffold Tower for New Build

09/03/2021 STAX TRADE CENTRES £127.73 Supplies new build

So, the “free” building has now cost you at least £4,527.73.

Ferret understands that Mr Jim Kenyon oversaw and assisted in its construction on site at the Waterpark.

What Ferret finds even more negligent, is that after Wakefield Council had issued Enforcement Notices, Mr Jim Kenyon approved further works to supply electric and CCTV into the unit, knowing full well it may have to be demolished.

Ferret still believes it will have to come down, as it appears in addition to requiring planning permission, building regulations also apply.

As none have been applied for or passed at each stage of erection as required, an expensive rebuild could be required…

By Ferret

3 thought on “The “free” storage unit…”
  1. Is he capable of doing anything right, he needs to go and fast.

  2. In the meeting about this container Mr Kenyon stated that it had been donated to the council but then stated they want just £2000 for it then all the other stuff came after
    Foundations, building, asbestos removal, cctv and new doors
    Yet no planning permission but let’s face it Mr Kenyon doesn’t think he needs permission from Wakefield for anything he does, like the road he did for the venga boys or putting the gate up
    He uses HTC like its his business and property and I truly hope come may him and his side kicks are off the committees if not off the council its self
    Time for a new approach to what the parishioners want not what they want

    Just don’t let Eccles get in that chair or it will be just as bad

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