Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret recently posted about the £80000 Regeneration Grant that the Chair of Hemsworth Town council, Jim “Jackanory” Kenyon reported to the council meeting on the 3 March 2022

Extract below

Kenyon’s version: We have got £80,000 from the regeneration grant at WMDC to dredge and stock the bottom lake.

Ferret’s Response:  Ferret sincerely hopes this is true, but hopes that WMDC monitor all procedures for procurement and tenders and work undertaken so that any work is completed by a bona fide company to a proper standard.

It was quite obvious from Ferret’s response that anything that now comes from Kenyon’s mouth must be taken with a pinch of salt until proven otherwise and this was no different.

You will notice that Kenyon used the “Royal we” as in “we have got” and nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is the true account and the real people who worked so hard for so long to attain this great achievement on behalf of our community.

Councillor Maxine Hird East ward
Many people have probably heard the ponds at the Waterpark are finally getting the care they need thanks to Wakefield council and of course thanks to oz baz Richards who fought a fabulous battle proving what was needed
Hopefully this will mean that the Fishermen and woman will return to the Waterpark after being proven to aid with mental illness and giving families enjoyment.
Oz approached me over a year ago with a plan, which I believed to be something that was needed and as soon as we heard about the money Wakefield were giving us, we knew it was time to bring it all forward.
Thankfully Wakefield believed in the same thing and have accepted to help dredge and refill the ponds
Well done oz for your determination

Ferret would also like to add that Oz delivered a powerful and detailed presentation that proved to be successful.

As for Jackanory Kenyon, hang your head in shame along with District Councillor Ian Womersley who seems only to make public appearances to spread the word of good news, it’s a pity it always seems to be somebody else’s hard worked for glory he wishes to bask in...

By Ferret

One thought on “The £80000 Regeneration Grant – Jackanory Kenyon: Falsification and fabrication…”
  1. Omg they are two of a kind, Kenyon and Womersley, both need to go, they’re nothing but a disgraceful laughing stock.

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