Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

At the Town Council meeting held on the 3 March 2022 some very interesting revelations were made by our highly regarded representatives, statements that were presented as good news and as a result of such hard work by our Kenyon led independent Town Council.

However, Ferret being Ferret has taken a closer look at some of the facts and figures that came from the mouth of our esteemed but factually challenged Chair, with more will follow in due course.

Section 106 money

Kenyon’s version: Wakefield have allocated us £300,000 from the Kirkby Road Sports complex and we have to apply directly to them for designated items.

Ferret’s Response: As reported by Ferret following Jim Kenyon’s humiliating defeat at the official mediation meeting with Saul construction last December, Kenyon not only lost this community thousands of pounds in legal fees but actually had to agree to no claim on any Section 106 money.

This money has now been allocated for Wakefield council to distribute and this could be anywhere in the Wakefield District.

The Previous Hemsworth Town Council had already agreed a scheme with Wakefield and Sport England that the money, all £300,000 would be used in this Township.

Get the begging letters written, Mr Kenyon and have your cap in your hand or do you intend to try to take court action to get the planning and Section 106 money along with it, quashed yet again?

If you do, please use your own money and not ours whether that’s legal aid or from our precept.

Regeneration Grant

Kenyon’s version: We have got £80,000 from the regeneration grant at WMDC to dredge and stock the bottom lake.

Ferret’s Response:  Ferret sincerely hopes this is true, but hopes that WMDC monitor all procedures for procurement and tenders and work undertaken so that any work is completed by a bona fide company to a proper standard.

Capital grant for Sandygate and Cemetery road fence.

Kenyon’s version: We have applied for £10k from capital grant for Sandygate and Cemetery road fence.

Ferret’s Response:  Ferret’s got a better idea, why not have the Eccles’ repay the money and return the fencing costs at their Farmers site and the costs for clearing their waterway instead of going cap in hand again for fencing and then apply for a capital grant for other things in need such as for pathways at Waterpark for example.

Update on the Unofficial car park next to the School and Fitzwilliam allotments.

Kenyon/Draper version: WMDC/School own most of it and the School have given permission for us to tarmac it. We need to apply for planning permission to WMDC to do it.

Eccles input to discussion:

Jean-Why should we keep doing WMDC jobs it’s their land?

Gordon Eccles-she is right.

Ferret’s Response: Once again Ferret’s got some better ideas, the Eccles’ are right the land owner should undertake repairs, so why did Hemsworth Town Council repair the roadway outside your home, land that is also owned by Wakefield?

So once again, are you now going to reimburse this community for the repair work carried out on your behalf on the roadway belonging to WMDC outside your home and the costs for erecting the gate that was also put up without permission?

It looks very apparent to Ferret that there is one rule for us and another one for the “entitled” Eccles’s

Hypocrisy at its worst

Ferret and this community, have not forgotten that Hemsworth Town Council own part of that area of roadway at Fitzwilliam that would be needed to provide full highway access to the fields at the back for any development, even if you pretend to conveniently forget.

So why not simply let WMDC and the School look after their property?

Oh, and by the way return the fence to its original position to protect the interests of this community or is there some reason why you do not want to or will not do so?

By Ferret

2 thought on “<strong>Cap in Hand Kenyon and the Hypocrisy of the Eccles…</strong>”
  1. One rule for us, another for them, sorry got that wrong, no rules for them. They nearly make Womersley look good lol, well I did say nearly.

  2. It’s a case of “fit to suit”for the lady of the major. She has no problem paying for the work if it is of benefit to her but woe be tide if it doesn’t. Selfish, greedy, entitled.
    Go now, all of the cabal.

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