Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

It has been brought to Ferret’s attention, that Jim Kenyon is now taking the continuing up and coming challenges to his position as the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council just a little bit more seriously.

His removal from office would see an end to him receiving the Chair of the Council money allowance, his ability to spend our money on a daily basis, and to be in a position of authority and influence.

The damage to his ego would be unbearable for him, well at least for about ten minutes by then he would have rewritten his removal and humiliation as another great Kenyon victory.

A vote of no confidence by the public in a Parish poll or by his fellow councillors should be enough for him to go but we all know they are not legally binding on him so he will just try to ignore them and carry on in his normal arrogant, abusive spend spend spend way.

In May at the first meeting in the new Council year, our Town councillors will pick a new Chair and Vice of the Town Council and these decisions are binding and if he loses the vote, Kenyon is removed as Chair, no ifs no buts, he’s gone and the same applies to his puppet vice chair Stan Wilson.

So, at the latest, the first binding vote is in May and Kenyon has finally realised the dark clouds are closing in on him. His reaction to cling to power and ensure his Vengaboys tribute to himself goes ahead in the meantime and to try to prevent any planned votes of no confidence either by councillors or by the hugely humiliating Parish meeting and Parish poll, is to leak out a “Cunning Plan”, a plan worthy of one that would have come from Baldrick from the TV comedy Blackadder.

So, what is Baldrick’s, sorry Kenyon’s Plan?

Wait for this one, it’s time for a change, some fresh air, some fresh blood, Kenyon will not seek re-election in May, Hurrah so what’s wrong with that you may say? Well anything that comes from Kenyon’s mouth cannot be taken at face value and this is no different.

His choice of replacement, his fresh blood, his breath of fresh air is none other than his long-time supporter JEAN ECCLES.

You may recall that the Eccles’s have been recipients and benefited from our precept money being spent on (to name just some items)

  • Their Land, the clearance and fencing of the former Farmers club site at Kinsley.
  • The clearing of the waterway adjacent to their home
  • The use of their companies for providing goods and services to the Council
  • The hiring of the new Council Internal Auditor who has worked for them

How stupid do these people believe we are? Out of the frying pan into the fire jumps to mind.

This is Jean Eccles, wife of Gordon Eccles who said they were not interested in owning the Waterpark, yet her husband Gordon has spoken of this ambition going back for many years. Jean has been nicknamed “the lady of the Manor and the Lady of the Gate” following the unlawful gating off of the entrance road to the Waterpark and them being the keyholders.

Let’s not forget those remarks she made in defence of this, “we are entitled, we deserve it”

Odd how Ferret and the community got this so wrong thinking the Waterpark was ours for all these years.

Perhaps Ian Womersley was right to want to give it away to that Trust he proposed, so the Trust could then dispose of it as they saw fit, Ferret wonders who the beneficiaries would have been?

Ferret does not believe Kenyon will stand down in May and this is just a plan to enable him to continue his scheming in the meantime. The venga concert will go ahead, he’s read it in a newspaper.

Councillors and this community need to continue our opposition to all that Kenyon, Wilson the Eccles’ and any of their supporters stand for. As said, Ferret does not believe that Kenyon will stand down even, the words of a liar are worthless.

Public confidence needs restoring in our Town Council and this cannot be done by any supporter of, or member of Kenyon’s Independents.

In May. this community needs a new Chair and Vice Chair of Hemsworth Town Council to restore the decency and respect that has been sadly absent during Kenyon and Co’s tenureship. 

By Ferret

4 thought on “Kenyon: A Not so Cunning Plan – The Deceit Continues…”
  1. The mind boggles, just what will he do to remain in control? There’s only one real answer. He’s totally unfit to be in charge of a loaf of bread.

  2. So the puppeteer is finally revealed, most of us knew this long before now. Let’s hope that never happens, because we are already looked down upon, god help us with more power. Wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late.

  3. Lord E and the Entitled lady E of the W.P are nothing but small time Embezzlers served by k Kenyon and the charlatan cabal

  4. I find it so hard to understand why WMDC isn’t investigating this local council. But then again, it is WMDC. Is there any honesty and integrity in politics? Thank god for the councillors we do know to have our best interests at heart. But, sadly they are in a minority. We need more people to come forward who aren’t governed by their own egos and flnancial gain. People who care. Not this lot. We deserve better. They know we don’t want them now – not whilst they refuse to answer the allegations we read about daily. If they want our trust, then win it back. Simply, address the allegations and prove Ferret wrong. Bet ya they can’t do that.
    Again, heart felt thanks to those councillors, including some independents, who do oppose these hair brained and frankly dodgy spending sprees and promotions.
    For those waiting for the Parish Meeting… I’m still waiting for a reply from the Town Clerk. The 2 weeks is up tomorrow. So, here’s to transparency, truth and integrity. May they rest in peace.

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