Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret can confirm a further Police raid has taken place at another property belonging to Councillor Eccles on Westfield Road in Hemsworth.

This comes after the already reported raid:

Ferret can also confirm another Councillor has made numerous visits to the same premises.

Ferret believes the investigation is ongoing and will not comment further at this time…

By Ferret

5 thought on “Another Police Raid on Councillor Eccles’ property…”
  1. I know very little about law and politics national or local but surely if he is under investigation he shouldn’t be still acting as a councillor.
    Absolute crooks.
    I’ve noticed recently JK has started spraying his favourite air freshener around his bungalow again, that popular febrese fragrance known as cann-a-bis dreams.

  2. Two raids on property owned by the same person! That person who is a councillor! This demands an immediate suspension while investigation is carried out! A statement should be made on the website! This goes for any other councillor who is involved in this! Once again, dispicable behaviour from those who we are meant to trust with our assets and finances! Once again blatant disregard for anyone or anything apart from themselves! Better still is that persons involved with suspected drug involvement is to step down! We demand resignations NOW.. not later. I know its innocent till proven guilty but there is just too much going off!

  3. only jobs i know were no cbr are requested …and i would love to know how much of the land sold by htc has been bought by councilors

  4. Carol whitehead above asks a good question. How much land has been sold by HTC and bought by councillors?

    The councillor/councillors in question should be immediately suspended as investigations take place. This would happen in most public environments why not the local council? How come these councillors can still be on when this sort of activity is happening.
    I have not been past MrJK bungalow so I cannot speak for that but if it is true he too should be removed for illegal drug use or knowledge of it.

    Absolutely despicable behaviour from people who we are supposed to look up to and are working for us.

  5. I don’t know how these people are still on our council. It about time they were removed.
    They had the barefaced cheek to investigate spendings of the previous council and the act like they do!!!!!!!
    Shocking behaviour!!

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