Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret can provide an update into the number of tickets sold and the total costs incurred so far, for the “Summer festival”, which has been Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council’s number one priority following his spectacular and costly failure in the litigation against Saul Construction.

The following is a reply from Mr Alan Draper – Clerk, Independent Hemsworth Town Council to a Freedom of Information (F.O.I) request sent by a member of the Parish.

Dear Mr Ferret,

In response to your queries regarding the summer festival.

The number of tickets sold to date – consisting of tickets sold before and after the services of Ticketmaster were retained – is 295.

The total spent since May 2019 on the festival is £19,768.

Kind regards,


Nearly £20,000 of YOUR money, spent on Mr Jim Kenyon’s vanity project, a project which the ticket sales prove, without any doubt that the good people of the Parish and further a field do not want to attend and certainly do not support it.

Time to RESIGN Mr Jim Kenyon and take the Vengaboys with you…

By Ferret

14 thought on “Venga Boys update…”
  1. Ticket master made all the difference then. Was it February when they were going to look at it again or has all the 🐂💩 fuddled my brain.

  2. does this number of tickets include those that have been given to the artists and agents via hospitality ?

  3. The way that Kenyon is throwing our money away is unbelievable, The lakeside pub, vengas, saul, jobs for the boys, petty cash, cash payouts no wonder the waterpark is showing serious signs of neglect. We need to stop him selling the land at fitzwilliam he will only misuse that as well.

  4. At the town council meeting held on 14th October ( minutes available to view ) the date to review the concert was the 28th February 2022
    There is a town council meeting to be held on that night, so I would imagine it will be discussed and voted on,

  5. at meeting on 12th october and its on council site ex meeting it was asked Q: How much would it cost to cancel the Vengaboys?
    A: (from the town clerk) The council would lose deposits respectively of £5,500 and £2.500 : How many tickets have been sold, not including those who have requested
    A: (from Cllr Middleton) 220 tickets .. so from october they spent £12.500 and sold 75 tickets …..

  6. It looks like the total Music Festival budget provision from May 2019 to March 2022 is £20,000. So, the total spend to date of £19,768 just falls within the funds available.
    Does this costing include everything?
    It will be interesting to see the proposed budget provision for 22-23, specifically for the music festival.
    It ought to be discussed at the Finance Committee on the 20.1.22 and/or the Full Council Meeting on 3.2.22, as I understand that all budget figures (and the associated precept proposal) must be approved to meet WMDC’s planning deadline.
    I would have expected such an event to be overseen by the Recreation and Leisure Committee but I don’t think it was mentioned on the 6.1.22, when they last met. Perhaps they’ve held informal discussions, off the record.
    Talking about records, the “informal meeting” which was really a Public Meeting has disappeared completely from the HTC website, as though it never happened. I don’t expect any minutes to be drafted, even though Alan Draper attended – but I might be wrong as he did make copious notes.

  7. I really can see Kenyon and co bailing from HTC before long and leaving the rest to clear up the mess.

  8. Quite a few of them were making notes at the PUBLIC meeting, I too noticed that the notice of the meeting was removed from HTC website, When you click on the post where it was posted on other SM sites it says page not found. Good job I’d screenshot before removed.

  9. So, looking back to April 2021, at Mr Kenyon’s District Councillor Campaign interview with the Wakefield Express, I found this extract with quotes from our HTC Leader:
    Mr Kenyon also defended the town council’s decision to spend money on bringing the Vengaboys to Hemsworth Water Park at a time when public finances are tight.
    The gig will take place as part of the Hemsworth Summer Festival at the town’s Water Park in June 2022, after it was postponed last year.
    He said: “We got a fantastic deal for 12,000 euros. If we sell 2,500 tickets at £15 for kids and £30 for adults it’s all paid for.
    “It’s cheap when you think about the fact it’s the Vengaboys, they’ve had (two UK) number ones and the festival will have entertainment all day.”

    Amazing how optimistic he was, and how wrong he is, again! With say 300 ticket sales, sold 80% Adults and 20% Children, the total sales income will be a massive £8,100.
    What are the predicted costs again? Over £80,000?
    Worth it?

  10. He just can’t stop those lies, every time he opens his mouth they spurt out.

  11. Venga boys honestly whoever thought of this idea yes the lunatics have well and truly taken over the asylum. For heaven’s sake what are they thinking they’re elected to manage the public finances with prudence and due diligence not run a bleeding entertainment agency. Any sensible person knows these types of events are high risk for one the band they’re bringing is from the past(a bit like themselves) times are hard finances are stretched we’re one of the most poverty stricken areas of the country add on the British summer and everything should light up don’t go there it’s too risky. Supposedly they have a duty to mind the precept payers money I stead they Chuck it around like confetti

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