A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.
On the twenty fourth day of Kenyonmess…
Bad(ger) Santa

Hide the kids’ stockings he’ll leave with more than he brings!
A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.
On the twenty fourth day of Kenyonmess…
Bad(ger) Santa
Hide the kids’ stockings he’ll leave with more than he brings!
Unbelievable how some people on the Hemsworth Hub page really don’t know about the real truth of kirkby road? It was a failure as an effective public amenity, not the amazing thing it has been portrayed as, and an alternative was built. They don’t understand what a drain on precept payers it was. They don’t realise how much more Kenyon has wasted on a vexatious legal crusade? the track was crap, the football pitch wasn’t all that either. The only athletic club that used the track was not even from the area. And the place didn’t even generate enough revenue to replace the floodlight bulbs!…Hemsworth was subsidising an athletic club from elsewhere. basically. Yes would be nice to have a home for Hemsworth Town football, but it wasn’t a goer. And to build another there would have been a disaster.
is hemsworth hub page still running
oh it appears im blocked wonder if bowers/badger broke their recent pledge of never blocking/reporting anyone oh well i will get by bart it