Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has already posted about the lack of support for members of our community, who through no fault of their own are unable to attend Independent Hemsworth Town Council meetings and the lack of empathy being shown to them when requesting simple adjustments such as streaming meetings so they can participate.

Here are two photographs taken yesterday evening, sent in by a local resident:

These photographs show a vehicle which belongs to Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council parked in a disabled bay at the Tesco store in Hemsworth.

There was no blue disabled badge being displayed.

Ferret believes this just shows the utter distain Mr Kenyon has for rules and regulations which are in place for the benefit of everyone.

Maybe he thinks he is above the law?

Ferret thinks this is totally ironic given the fact the Mr Jim Kenyon actively campaigned to stop Tesco building a store in Hemsworth…

By Ferret

6 thought on “Despicable behaviour…”
  1. That’s him to a tee, rules and regulations don’t apply to him, he makes his up as he goes along.

  2. He should give everybody a great Christmas bonus and resign, and take his minions with him. This includes the town clerk.

  3. Well his mate has told everybody on facebook that Jimmy is disabled so I think for a disabled man he does really well considering and we need to look at things all over again. I wonder if he’s thought about blaming his carers because he definitely needs really good care in the community. It could be them that’s been using his computers and phones to access his facebook accounts because it wasn’t him he told us. It could be them that haven’t been giving him his medication which has let him stay awake and have all silly ideas and loads and loads of daft words coming out of his mouth. I’ll bet it was them that forgot to put his Disabled Badger Badge in the car when he used a disabled bay at the Tesco and I’ll bet it was them that drove him to the Tesco instead of the Asda. Our jimmy wouldn’t use the Tesco or pollute the air in Hemsworth by using his car or would he? It could even be those voices in his head, badger,bodger, janet, crispy, katie dr p.e

  4. Kenyon states that his knees are knackered due to playing football
    Sorry can’t rember if it was for Leeds Sunderland or England but that’s his excuse for being shite at the game

  5. Maybe this one selfish behaviour illustrates how Mr Kenyon’s mind works?
    Here’s my theory (but I’m no psychologist!):
    a. Growing up his skills and talents were largely ignored or unrecognised. He was constantly overlooked. He looked inwards to provide himself with the praise he craved. He found this worked, he felt much better and nurtured it over the years.
    b. Over time, he became an island. He didn’t need anyone else. Only his own thoughts, feelings, judgement mattered. He couldn’t allow himself to be influenced by others. By now, he had blocked them out – they no longer mattered.
    c. He began to realise he’s not like other people. He’s stronger. Their trust in the kindness of other is a weakness which he can manipulate. His only goal is self-preservation.
    d. Throughout life, he’s had to fight his own corner. So, he’s extremely independent and relies on no one. Friends and family are only useful to further his cause. He takes total control for himself and always puts himself first.
    e. So, this developed mentality explains all Mr Kenyon’s life decisions. His life is a constant fight as his early childhood insecurities have molded his character and there remains a constant dominating struggle to prove himself worthy.
    He’s unable to trust others or to put their needs above his own.
    He will never be influenced by the community.
    He will always believe his way is the right way.
    He will fight his corner no matter what.
    He justifies everything he does without question or doubt.
    He is never wrong.
    Thank you Ferret – Merry Xmas and a very Happy New 2022.

  6. Or to put it bluntly he’s an abomination of a man

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