Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

As previously posted on Ferret, Mr Alan Draper – Clerk, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Ian Womersley – Independent District Councillor informed the residents of the Woodlands estate that they knew nothing about site LP21 and the wider Local Plan 2036 for the Wakefield District.

Here is an email sent by Mr Draper on 9th December 2020 informing all Councillors that he had submitted objections to Wakefield Council by email the previous day.

Ferret finds it very interesting that the only site, Independent Hemsworth Town Council made objections to being developed was the former Sports Complex site on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth.

Ferret will let you read the documents yourself, for the full details of the objections.

It is unbelievable that these people continue to lie to our Township – RESIGN.

By Ferret

13 thought on “Local Plan – Proof Independent Hemsworth Town Council lied…”
  1. It’s disgusting and disgraceful that they lie in the first place but when they are caught out and proven to be liars they then resort to either going to ground or the usual, try to put the blame elsewhere.

  2. Why weren’t the labour councillors sent this email? Looking at that distribution list it’s only the independent ones

  3. I hope the residents of Woodlands see this and realise the Independents have lied to them – and used them as a political football. They only care about the Saul development as they are weirdly obsessed with the bloke (jealous?)
    Ferret is correct – the Independents should resign and hand the role over to people who can actually do the job with integrity.

  4. Clear that the town clerk needs putting out on his ear as well. He is totally in on the corrupt practices going on at HTC. He should never have got the job in the first place.

  5. Labour councillors weren’t told as draper was instructed as with most emails to Only tell the independents

  6. Well,well,well not a surprise finally everyone can see the evidence letting not just our residents on Springvale Rise and Woodlands know but all our community what a total sham and deceitful liars the Independant councillors than run HTC are,time and time again they have denied any knowledge of the proposed Housing Develpoment which will cause havoc and destroy the green belt surrounding our homes.People need to open their eyes now and make their voices heard and attend the public meeting we are arranging .It will be a full community meeting where everyone needs to question the running of our HTC by these people whose only interests matter is their own and definitely not the community’s ,time for a full change ,time for them to resign,time for the TRUTH but not sure they are capable of telling it.Thankyou ferrett for all you are doing to bring it all out into the open and letting the community see all the deceit and lies we are been told .

  7. Their obsession with that Kirby road place a very weird and deluded one to say the least has blinded them to all reason and in so doing they’ve failed and derelicted their duty to manage vital local genuine concerns. In their submission they state the project (Kirby road) would be self financing. How naive such an idea is and exposed their daftness for all to see for the record no public amenities even at district council level are self financing they never have been and never will be all of them such as swimming pools etc require some kind of subsidy. Yet these were attempting to take on a project whose financing would require millions and it’s upkeep thousands upon thousands. Lunatics

  8. Jim’s Kirkby road project has cost precept payers 300k at least and will not even happen. I imagine his plan involved having jacuzzis fueld by the fart gas he says Kirkby road is riddled with. Fortunately must of the hot air comes out of his big mouth.

  9. Obsession with Saul himself

    The Toxic Kirkby site

    And the Vengaboys

    Jim’s plot was to turn Woodlands/Springs against Wakefield Council another one of his obsessions.
    Now maybe some of the residents will fall for it and play along but if they have put the development information out there in the proper fashion then no matter the feelings they have done it through the proper channels

    I suspect Jim wants another court case at much cost with no chance of success.

    Please people don’t fall for it.

  10. He’s always been the same, the only thing he never forgets is to pick up his Pay check. Yes Kenyon and Womersley are now trying to use the Woodlands people and their dilemma to divert attention from themselves having been caught out, but as we have seen its even too much trouble for him to use his phone to keep a promise.

  11. I believe Kenyon was trying to stir trouble for Wakefield using the good people of the woodlands estate, against Wakefield. His real reason, to create an election platform for himself for the District Council Elections in May to join his mate and equally useless Womersley. This has spectacularly backfired against them both. Thank god for that. The quicker they’re both gone the better for us.

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