These are the most recent costings for the Vengaboys concert, supplied by the Clerk – Mr Alan Draper.

They have been shared on many different pages across social media, Ferret thought it would be useful to share some of the comments with my readers. The comments are below.
Ferret can confirm in reply to the comment asking which moron came up with this idea, that the “moron” was Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council.
As recently as 14 October 2021, in the Hemsworth Town Council meeting he was backed by some of his fellow Councillors including Mrs Jean Eccles – Independent Councillor and Chair of the Finance Committee who vociferously gave her support to Mr Kenyon and the Vengaboys Concert which will “put Hemsworth on the map”.
If Mr Kenyon really feels the need to have a personal concert with the Vengaboys, maybe he could hire the upstairs room at the Waterpark, put on his Council chains and tune in the television to the “Vengaboys Greatest Hits” channel on YouTube, saving us all a lot of money in the process.
They need to start giving proper and fully coated expenses instead of finger in the air
Don’t forget that “exclusive of VAT” means VAT (currently @20%) will need to be added.
11 support acts 😮 wonder how long they will be on stage and how many songs they will be singing for their fees!
£11000 for the Vengaboys 😲 someone wants their head examining. Its more like Vengawho.
Omg! What a waste of money
£15,000 for Vengaboys when you add in flights, accommodation and Limo, I’m wondering how long they will be on stage for? Considering how many other acts are performing, how long will this day last. ?
what a rip off. Someone didn’t do their homework.
Stage 10000 lighting 10000 sound 10000 wat is this about mad
On Tuesday 12th October it was confirmed 200 tickets have been sold.
Councillor Kenyon said in this week’s meeting that the council needs to sell about 2000 tickets to break even. I believe someone else did the maths and worked out that it’s 2600+ tickets at full price, and over 4000 including a proportion of concessions
2 years ago, we put forward the idea for a community festival in Hemsworth, we did the costings, and priced this Festival to the council at around £30,000 plus infer-structure. This included 4 good quality bands + headline act. apparently it went to committee and they decided to go with another promoter.
they could BUY lighting and a great PA system for less than £20K
Couldn’t you just get Sound, Stage, and Lighting tribute acts as well?
Tell the vengaboys to take the bus 😉
ant they got a venga bus to travel in. 🤣
hat I wana know is what hotel is 1k round here? Lol
I read if they cancel it they have costs to vengaboys still to pay and contractual costs but surely it would be better to cut your losses and run than waste money that may have extra costs if it goes ahead too because I’m sure something will be missed off that costs money
Excluding VAT – so costs will actually be much higher than this then. Who is being paid £5000 to plan this event? £1200 for a risk assessment? Can we also see the spreadsheet for predicted revenue please? Take off the cost of the matching band and the traffic management for it, plus the two other acts TBC and use that money to pay the local pyrotechnics guy (forgot his name) to put on a fireworks to music display over the lake. You’ll sell loads more tickets for something like that because it’ll appeal to more people.
Wouldn’t have thought the waterpark was big enough to hold this type of event in the first place.
So it’s actually costing £15,000 for the Vengaboys including £3,000 for an hotel for them and £3,000 for flights and transport??? WOW !!!.. absolutely disgusting waste of money for a one hit wonder band
Obscene waist of money which could be spent so much better.
11,000 for the vengaboys?! 😂😂😂 Whos doimg tjese numbers?? If this is the same thing i offered to help out with and just got snotty arsed messages about it and my experience then honestly.. I hipe it fails because one quick look at this and im telling you know its a guaranteed loss of money sadly.
Wouldn’t waste money for tickets to watch tributes and Vengaboys lipsync 😉
It’s naive thinking to presume that a the venga boys, a rubbish band from twenty years ago, would have people buying tickets. Fifteen grand for them to play 😬. If they were playing in my back garden I’d close my curtains.
Take away changing rooms and portaloos.. because the watermark cafe has them facilities!! And the bar would make alot of money no problem!
Pontefract Friarwood Valley Gardens put on a concert in the summer. There were craft stalls, local people selling their produce and products. They had very local bands on, no tribute bands, just local bands, it was ticketed, it has to be for counting people. It was welcomed, was full, busy enjoyable. It threw it down and still people stayed. Why can’t it be like that. They ought to look on their fb page to see photos. Once more it was free.
Not outweighing any supposed costs. The Vengaboys though 😂😂😂. I still can’t believe this is still a thing. And at the Waterpark which is literally just a man made lake that has some sand from B&Q.
Who came up with a ticket price of £30 and think people will pay that?🤷♀️ its £16 to see them in South-end in April. and that includes S Club and 911 too
Take 10 grand off . Watermark already had aittle stage 😅🤷♀️
what moron thought up this? and how on earth did it get approved??? 7500 tickets available… cant even sell a third, that should tell you something, i mean £30 to go see vengaboys, more than my comic con ticket. 4k for a marching band… why?????
Jim Kenyon arranged it without community knowing or even voting.
Things like these or bar in cafe should be put infront of community for them to vote if they want these things or not in waterpark. After all the park was developed for the Community of Hemsworth not Hemsworth Council.
Aye it’ll put Hemsworth on the map all right for all the wrong reasons. Looks very overpriced in most areas and underpriced in others. Still a nice little earner for a select few and we’ll be left picking up the bills no doubt. Aye Hemsworth will go down and I mean down in History that’s for certain.
As you know after seeing the comments on the Facebook page you mention I decided to set up a survey on a survey site, I’ve had to create a few due to restrictions on the site but I wanted to create something that could be presented back to HTC to show that the questions asked were not biased, I’ve put many shoutouts to people to fill it in especially those in favour so the view is balanced.
My plan is to share the outcome on my social media but also to ask HTC to take it into consideration when having further discussion on the topic. Of course it’s not an official poll and councillors can choose to ignore it, as is there prerogative. But as I say I didn’t set it up as a HTC bashing poll, the questions are balanced and without biased, if those views are then ignored what message does that send to the community?
When are these idiots going to realise they’re not playing a game on their xboxes. This is a real community, real people, real money. It’s not the Sims, town council version.
Venga were never more than a kids party disco band, where the lads slid across the floor on their knees and the girls giggled at the side of the dance floor. Kenyon stop putting holes in your knees, lady of the manor stopping giggling at him he’s not funny. Or has he put a bit of vodka in your fruit shoot.
all planning n costing done on back of a beer mat probly in top hat
Sorry but you can live in hope if you believe Kenyon will listen to anybody but himself. This is obviously a money making opportunity but not for us. It’s a scam in broad daylight, so much money handed out to overpriced acts and others in the gang. So many cash only on the day sales that will not end up in the community tills. A leopard doesn’t change its spots and neither does a Kenyon.
ha ha ha Kenyon listen to anyone else ?.
did you know everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as its the same as his. Also he is the first to admit when hes wrong, its just that it has not happened yet lol.