Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

At the Town Council meeting on 14 October 2021, Councillor Jean Eccles made the Ferret blush, well nearly.

Whilst discussing the abuse she and her husband Councillor Gordon Eccles have received she said:

“…and another thing that Ferre (then stopped herself) and said gate”!

Oh well, maybe next time….

By Ferret

4 thought on “The Ferret is famous…well nearly”
  1. Like I’ve said before someone is rattled.

  2. Not like her to get tongue tied, ha ha, poor soul must be ready for a break, did we ever find out who used those hotel rooms that were booked by Hemsworth council?

  3. At least she gets a break from the precept payers accessing the park and driving past her house when Gordon closes the gate.

  4. One day you’ll be famous Ferret, one day.
    Is it abusive to quote a Cllr member I wonder?
    Cllr G Eccles, on 14.10.21, shared with us his thoughts on why we should not sell the dormant machinery:
    “I’ve had plant all my life and it would be very silly to dispose of this plant. You’ll never know when you’ll want a machine and each one of them machines is there to do a different job and them machines want keeping. We don’t know when we’re going to need them again.”
    And again:
    “It’ll be very very silly to sell these machines. Take it from me”
    Clearly, Cllr Eccles feels strongly on this issue as this was (I believe) his sole contribution throughout the 2.5 hour meeting and he clearly has some influence as the vote went in favour of keeping the equipment.
    The argument of being “silly” and we might “need them again” MIGHT be a good business judgement, but HTC isn’t a business, it’s a community fund.
    So, thousands of pounds of our community funds are sitting in a shed, when so many people are struggling to buy the basics just to survive.
    How can this be right?
    Apologies if anyone finds this abusive.

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