Ferret is sure many of our older residents will remember the former sports complex site, off Kirkby Road in Hemsworth as a clay quarry, brickworks and landfill site.
Please have a look at this leaflet which was distributed by non-other than Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council relating to this site.

As we all already know Mr Kenyon has a long running vendetta against Saul Construction Limited.
In this leaflet Mr Kenyon describes the site as being contaminated and toxic.
If you wanted further information you could have attended a meeting at the “Top Hat” home of the not so independent Hemsworth Community Forum.
If after looking through the leaflet you wanted any further information you could have contacted Mr Stan (I do as I’m told by Kenyon) Wilson on 01977 614474.
Does anyone remember this meeting?
So, Mr Kenyon:
If the site is too toxic to be developed for much needed new housing, why is it safe to allow our children and grandchildren to play there?
Our community has been lied to for a long long time by Kenyon Womersley Wilson and co. Prey on people’s fears, tell them anything, wind them up, doesn’t matter what it is, how vile, is there no end to how low can they go so long as they get what they want. Well this one has bit back, not fit for houses but fit for kiddies to roll about and play on. What a sick man this idiot is. I expect you’ll have some tripe spouting from your mouth to deflect from this one or will Jimmy fix it for the kiddies. Utter dick head. Now a planning and building expert who knows better than the experts with real qualifications. Then again he could dig all the tip up and bury it at the waterpark with the rest, if there’s still room and no fishermen watching, and the cameras switched off and gates left open of course.
Well said Ritchie. The time has come for Mr Kenyon to resign. Ferret has proved over and over again his lies and dubious spending of the precept alongside his not so Independent colleagues. It was their plan from day one, to be elected on the backdrop of Brexit, lies and promises which they have broken over and over again.
Brexit was most certainly a dividend on which the not so independent independents used to their full advantage. That said some of those not so independent independents were not wily enough to realise that they too were also a dividend to be taken advantage of by others among them with their own singular objectives in mind and in reality were like the public merely a audience never part of the cast it worked a treat for a while till a subterranean furry agitator popped his head out of the hole with a loud hailer. Due to this it’s become clearly obvious that an elected body as become an instrument in stealth and skulduggery in the pursuit of individuals whose intentions are dishonourable and it Sully’s us all because this is not our community we’re collectively better than this whatever ones political flag.
DANGER..POISON..HAZARDOUS..TOXIC..CAUTION..ARSENIC..CANCER!!! All words created for attention,to create panic and cause trouble. If you want to know more ask Stan in top hat !! Yer cant make it up!! Well this bunch of crooks obviously did just that! Who do these cretins think we are? Only thing flying about in top hat when J*mmy and co are in is a lot of hot air and copious amounts of bullsh*t !!
got told asbestos buryed in water park envoirment health did tests on un touched land and couldnt find owt ..appointed by town council? this should have been made public …cant find anything but in years to come when kids healths go down pan who be there to right the wrong …fuming have they not heard what asbestos does and how to get rid of it proply think this needs re examing..this is our comunity our health our kids and grandkids ..hope this bites them were it hurts