Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Ferret was hopeful that Mr Ian Womersley – Independent District and Hemsworth Town Councillor, would provide you with the answers to the questions posted last week.

Although Ferret is aware that he, along with other Councillors have read the post/questions he has failed to provide us with a reply.

Mr Ian Womersley promised to be “open and transparent”, when elected.

A phrase which seems to roll off his tongue, at every opportunity.

He receives over £12000 per year of your money for his position of District Councillor, supposedly representing you.

Having read through the Wakefield Councillor Code of Conduct 2021, which Councillor Ian Womersley has agreed to, I would like to share with you the following:

In accordance with the public trust placed in me, on all occasions:

  • I act with integrity and honesty
  • I act lawfully
  • I treat all persons fairly and with respect; and
  • I lead by example and act in a way that secures public confidence in the role of councillor.

In undertaking my role:

  • I impartially exercise my responsibilities in the interests of the local community
  • I do not improperly seek to confer an advantage, or disadvantage, on any person
  • I avoid conflicts of interest
  • I exercise reasonable care and diligence; and
  • I ensure that public resources are used prudently in accordance with my local authority’s requirements and in the public interest.


The Seven Principles of Public Life

The principles are:


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.


Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must disclose and resolve any interests and relationships.


Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.


Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.


Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.


Holders of public office should be truthful.


Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

Now Councillor Ian Womersley – Will you answer the outstanding questions so that we are able to decide if you are abiding by your Councillor code of Conduct?

By Ferret

10 thought on “Councillor Ian Womersley – Wakefield Councillor Code of Conduct 2021”
  1. Well Councillor we’re waiting, you can’t hide from the people who entrusted you to represent them fairly and honestly forever. Reopen your Facebook accounts and contact details, practice what you have preached over and over again, be open and transparent as you have pledged this community you would be. If you are scared to reveal the truth by answering the questions in writing, then now is the time to resign.

  2. When this councillor ran for MP he was backed massively by Coun Kenyon.
    One of the things Kenyon kept banging on about was how we don’t see TRICKETT (capitals as that’s how JK likes to type it) because he’s always in London, no amount of reasoning could convince him that London is indeed the place where we as constituents need our MP to be, voting on things that impact us as a community. Our MP has a Facebook page, is contactable by email or phone or in his surgeries. We know he’s in Parliament talking about issues that effect us because we see him there, he posts videos and so forth. However this isn’t enough for the cabal.

    Then there’s Coun W, he’s removed his contact details and Facebook page. It’s a shame he did that really, he was reporting on all these meetings he was attending at Wakefield, answering constituents questions and concerns but now nothing. Radio silence. How do the cabal justify this when they are so angry that they don’t see our MP wandering the streets doing goodness what they expect him to do?
    Did councillor womersley really attend these meetings? We know he’s been at meetings that discussed the new development in hemsworth, he says he wasn’t? Sadly now his page detailing meetings he said he went to is gone there can be no cross checking against the meeting notes to see if he was indeed in that room. It’s a very curious state of affairs.

  3. At this present time Councillor Ian W appears to be doing nothing for the 1.3k followers he deserted on his archived FB page, the page that was mothballed by Ians admin for it, Shane Foletti the newly elected HTC councillor. Ian did once proudly proclaim that he fought for ” No more spending at the Waterpark”! Its a pity he did not plea for No more spending on the fight for the kirkby road sports complex ! An expensive never ending battle…a battle he has been fully involved in from the very beginning alongside his accomplice JK chairman HTC !!

  4. nothing more than a deceitful sycophant of the cabal and a career politician amateur and untrustworthy one at that

  5. Dci Hastings
    You can actually look up the meetings that any councillor is saying the attend
    Wakefield council publish them
    And in most they have zoom where you can see yourself who attends
    I can tell you that IW hasn’t attended many of the meeting he says he has
    Intact not until he decided he would try to become our MP did he actually attend
    While the lead up to the voting for MP he attend 3 meetings and when he failed he stopped going again
    Truthfully I haven’t looked for a while so he may have attended more now but that was what I saw

  6. Yes Jessica you are correct, what we don’t have now is the proof that IW said he attended!

  7. Still waiting councillor, the longer you bury your head and pretend not to hear the worse it gets for you, face up to your obligations and Start telling the truth for once or step down and let someone decent and trustworthy replace you .

  8. Not looking good councillor, we are fully aware that you have knowledge of your actions being revealed and your motives questioned. People talk and they are all not your friends anymore. Why remain silent and force people to send these questions to your addresses to gain your attention. Show the people you represent to respect

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