Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The Diamond Jubilee Working Man’s Club was situated on White Apron Street in South Kirkby.

This building was originally a Doctors Surgery. When the Doctor retired he left the building in a trust to the people of South Kirkby.

Prior to it’s closure it was operated by Empress Leisure, who also ran The Beeches Public House in Hemsworth, managed by none other than Mr Jim Kenyon.

Ferret believes it eventually closed down due to non-payment of bills.

It remained derelict for a number of years before being demolished.

Planning permission was then sought to build five town houses.

More recently a further planning application has been made for a car wash. Ferret wonders if there will also be a Coffee Shop in this one?

There seems to be so many coincidences with this and our Water Park. The people, the running up of debts…leading to eventual closure and then it being sold for profit.

So much for it being safe in the trust as originally intended.

By Ferret

3 thought on “The Diamond Jubilee WMC…”
  1. Well here it is, physical proof that trusts don’t always protect assets for the people intended to benefit. Cllrs Womersley, Kenyon, Eccles, and the independents who voted to start this process need to come from under the stones they seem to hiding beneath and come clean to this community about their real intentions for the Waterpark and then resign. Better still leave this area for decent folk to enjoy while we still have some amenities and money left. Looks like there’s plenty more to uncover as more and more keeps coming out of those big closets. The old saying you can fool some people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time comes to mind. Thank you ferret for exposing the actions and activities of these people who should be ashamed to be seen outdoors.

  2. The named person applying for the car wash is Goran “Ali Mahmoud”. I sincerely hope this is not the same man that owned the Pit stop car wash in Shipley a few years back…because he was a very naughty boy !!! Probably a coincidence…just sayin 🤷‍♂️

  3. The picture is getting clearer and clearer. Be on crime watch next.!!!

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