As we already know, Mr James (Jim) Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley (Independent) have repeatedly gone on record stating the “Sports Complex belongs to Hemsworth Town Council and it will not be sold to Saul Construction Limited”.
In a meeting Ferret attended, Mr Womersley spoke highly of Mr Kenyon and the plans He had seen which the Chair, Mr Kenyon would be releasing “shortly”. To date, Ferret has not seen an official release of the plans by Hemsworth Town Council.
However, Ferret is aware that back in February 2020, Hemsworth Town Council paid an invoice to a company called Wadsworth Construction for the sum of £2700.
Ferret understands this payment was made for plans to be drawn up for the “Sports Village”.
So, Mr Kenyon has once again spent more of YOUR precept money on the former Sports Complex site on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth.
The completed plans are shown below and include four football pitches and a BMX track.
Was anyone in the Parish consulted on this?