Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

The Hemsworth Town Council Leisure and Recreation meeting scheduled for the 2 March 2023 has an agenda containing items that can only be described as originating from clown school or the Kenyon Skool of Komics.

Whilst we still have a large number of items requiring attention, that are seriously overdue our cabal controlled Town Clerk, Alan Draper has placed the following items for discussion and consideration at the meeting:

To consider the following items:

04) Allotments

A) Request to waive the fees for Springfield Allotment Community Club

There are no objections from Ferret here, however Ferret does note that this particular group has received a large amount of funding from Independent Hemsworth Town Council over the last few years, including monetary grants and waiving of fees.

Ferret would therefore hope, that each and every other non-profit organisation that use council facilities for the benefit of local people are treated in exactly the same way, regardless of their connections to serving councillors.

B) Dumping of refuse.

Ferret has to assume that someone has been dumping waste on the allotment sites.

Well what goes around comes around as they say.

Let’s just think for a moment; Who was it that dumped all that waste from the allotments down at our once beautiful Waterpark?

Oh dear it was Jim Kenyon!

Surely those cabal independents can’t object to others following their lead can they.

C) Security deposit for new Tenants.

Ferret finds this an odd one:

Is it a deposit to offset the ever rising costs of our in house and external security that has failed time and again to safeguard our assets?

Does our security manager need something new from Amazon?

Or does Clown in Chief Kenyon and Mystic Jean Eccles need extra security cameras around their homes?

Then again could we be possibly hiring extra security guards with Bodycams to patrol our 3 villages?

Jean will take care of the thought control. If we can afford to pay her that is.

05) Monthly Market

To consider holding a Monthly Market.

This one sounds promising but hold on a minute; didn’t someone close Hemsworth Market about 4 years ago?

Yep, King Klown Kenyon and his Minions gave orders almost immediately on being elected to close the market down.

They didn’t even hold any consultation with anyone even the stall holders.

Apparently the money could be used better elsewhere they said and mumbled something about diggers and a Bar or perhaps some fencing round a car park at Kinsley.

Well won’t that be a surprise, the cabal being wrong and doing a ‘u turn’, well no actually.

Then again perhaps times are hard and the Mystic one is going to run a regular monthly stall where the scum can cross her palm with more of our silver but please remember to charge her rent.

Hemsworth Independent Town Council: An Agenda Fit For A Clown – Part 2 to follow…

By Ferret

10 thought on “Hemsworth Independent Town Council: An Agenda Fit For A Clown – Part 1…”
  1. Wonder how much will get moved into exclusion away from the parishioners,wonder if the Independents will use these disasters we in this community have endured the last 4 years on their campaign leaflets it will need to be A4 double sided several times over.Wonder if the parishioners will actually read any more lies that we have endured for the last 4 years on the Independent councillors campaign leaflets ,the answer hopefully will be NO we the parishioners have had enough and will VOTE to show what we think of the last 4 disastrous,self indulgent spending years and VOTE the Independents out.

  2. Problem is Julie compalancy kicks in at voting time, this is why we need the billboards up now and accounts/invoices charts anything put on display so that people can see where their MONIES is being spent (any news on the installation of the billboards?) People in the know should tell there neighbours to look a social media ie this site ,fb so that they can judge for themselves and not put their X in anybodies box. I dare say if parishioners new the true extent of squandered MONIES they would be a bit upset I now I am.

  3. Too much is done behind closed doors and nothing ever emerges about it until deals are done. The councillors should be shouting out loud and clear, things are even decided in exclusion that should be heard in open council meetings. Some don’t ever reach council meetings

  4. Anonymous still no date or update on the said £2,690 for 2 only NOTICEBOARDS.The last FOI from the Town Clerk was they have been ordered and accounts show paid for but the only one to be erected so far is an in-house Alan Drapers words wooden made one is up outside the lakeside cafe where hardly any footfall can see it and I doubt very much they will place the monthly accounts on to show the vast amounts spent on food in the cafe.
    The last update given in a meeting by the Town Clerk was now he’s passed it to the WMDC district councillors as planning permission required to erect a NOTICEBOARD in the precinct as HTC don’t own the land and so the wait goes on and on.Anyone would think the Independent councillors don’t won’t the parishioners who don’t have assess to social media to be able to read all about their spending of the communities money and I can bet they will not be up before May and the elections .

  5. It’s not just for parishioners to ask about billboards in meetings what about councillors asking questions who’s erecting them? Then when/if a firm is disclosed make enquires, to date’s when it’s going to happen. But then again the answer might be ,can’t reveal that it’s a security risk 🤔

  6. Julie, I can update you on the noticeboards. Councillor Middleton and I were out yesterday with the Town Clerk discussing exactly where to locate them. The Precinct one still needs a check from Wakefield (which is taking forever, I’ve seen the emails) but the Fitzwilliam one has been agreed and will be installed shortly.

  7. Is there a reason why the notice board can not be located on the HTC property on Cross Hills?

  8. Hi Ferret,
    If you mean the old town hall, that’s a suggested location. Apparently this will be put to council along with the location for Fitzwilliam, I’d assumed the clerk was just going to go ahead after yesterday so apologies for that.

  9. Yes, the former Town Council office. Perfect location, no permissions required and could have had a notice board installed a year ago. Let’s hope this issue is resolved very quickly as there are far more important issues which all Councillors should be dealing with, as this council seems to lurch from one disaster to another.

  10. Totally and utterly agree ferret,suddenly every councillor on board about the NOTICEBOARDS strange must be an election due.Time they all sung from the same hymn sheet and acted more quickly and together on other major issues and not in exclusion.The public are growing very weary of the behaviour of some of the councilllors who seem to want to point score and are forgetting the last 4 years of mess we are suffering from.Remember councillors it’s not what you are showing us now you are suddenly doing we don’t have short memories ,work and support together is what is needed and remember we are the voters that will hopefully vote for the councillors that serve the community and not just at election time.

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