Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

It has come to the attention of Ferret that, Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair – Independent Hemsworth Town Council has a habit of spouting financial figures but has little, if any understanding of their meaning.

In the leisure and recreation meeting held on 3 March 2022 Mr Jim Kenyon stated that “£232,638 income had come from the café.”

He then went on to say this is a 100% increase from before “improvements” were made with the bar and carvery.

Even better for everyone in the Townships Mr Kenyon stated “Profits from this will reduce the precept”

Kenyon then blew his own trumpet by declaring the figures to be fantastic, with Mr Gordon Eccles agreeing “yes they are”.

So, Ferret thought that Mr Jim Kenyon would benefit from a little lesson, where he becomes a pupil and not the teacher which he pretends to be.

First of all, Mr Jim Kenyon seems keen to use the phrase “we made” when referring to income, particularly at the Lakeside Café Bar.

The correct definition for the term:

INCOME = the amount received from your customers for the goods or services that you have sold to them.

However, what Ferret and everyone else needs to know is the PROFIT.


So, Mr Kenyon:

  • What was the PROFIT during the time that the income was £232,638?


  • What was the PROFIT during 2019?

In future Mr Jim Kenyon, would it be possible for you to provide us with the PROFIT or (LOSS) when you make statements and not some random figure which has very little, if any meaning in the real world?

Finally, Ferret believes that Mr Jim Kenyon and his Independent Colleagues do actually intend to lower your Precept, as a parting gift to the new Town Council which will replace them and have to clear up four years’ worth of Kenyon’s mess where reserves have been depleted and maintenance kept to a minimum…

By Ferret

5 thought on “Kenyon – A little lesson in Business…”
  1. I don’t know about a little lesson in business, he’s incapable of learning. What a statement. What a set of idiots they think we are. Utter tripe from an utter contemptible imbocile. There’s alot of things that have been neglected so they can spend our money on themselves or their friends. He needs to go and the sooner the better.

  2. I see the HTC corrections page has issued an explanation of the purchase of 3 TV licences. One for the community centre…one for the lakeside…and one… for the waterpark? It then goes to add that the waterpark one has been cancelled…oh and neither of the first two were never ever for the lakeside flat!!! Glad thats cleared things up then…aye about as clear as the empty fishing ponds !

  3. for avtrue reflection of his business credentials just look at his record all his businesses have failed n eccles bwcking him speaks volumed for the lord n lady entitled who jave gained significant finance due to cabals cronyism

  4. Well since we can manage without a telly license for the waterpark now, what’s changed, why did we have one in the first place,

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