Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret is having trouble with typing this, as I am laughing so much, it is causing tears in the eyes and blurry vision along with shaking hands! 

So, what is the cause of this excessive laughter; well Mr Jim Kenyon’s Independent Hemsworth Town Council of course and in particular a correction, sorry clarification relating to their having 3 TV Licences.

Full “clarification” as shown on their correction’s page.

TV Licence – clarification – The council has three TV Licences – one for “Hemsworth Community Centre”, one for “Hemsworth Water Park” and one for “Lakeside Café Bar”. Neither of the latter two relate to the flat at the rear of the Lakeside as that would have to have its own, separate Licence anyway. The park (generally) already had a Licence as does the café bar specifically. The Licence for the park has been cancelled and the Licence for the café bar will remain in place.

Ferret can understand the Community Centre requiring a TV Licence , Ferret can understand the Lakeside Café and Bar having a Licence, but Ferret needs to think about why the Waterpark would need a separate Licence?

Perhaps one was purchased for the Donkeys when they enjoyed a short stay at the Waterpark? They could have enjoyed watching a spot of horse racing from Kempton park or looked on in admiration watching their heroes at Ascot. But then again they could have just nipped round to Gordon’s and Jean’s and watched through the window from the garden as they always seem to leave the gate unlocked for their dogs to exercise themselves.

Or what about the night visitors when they came to “borrow” the quad bike, they could have brought some fish and chips with them or even sent for a takeaway and then enjoyed a late night movie in the once beautiful surroundings while going about their business.

Or what about a spot of entertainment for our night fishermen?

Oh no – no way, they don’t want them in the park they may see too much and Ferret doesn’t mean on the telly.

It must be for the poor fish! What’s left of them anyway, giving them a bit of pleasure in their last days, so kind, so thoughtful, so typically Kenyon and Co. What are they going to do now the Licence  has been cancelled?  The one highlight left in their poor dismal lives! We need to report this to the RSPCA and get a petition to reverse this decision for the health and wellbeing of our few remaining aquatic friends.

Ferret assumes that this correction, sorry clarification has been issued by Sam Knowles herself, in one of her many roles as Website Administrator.

Well Sam, here’s a thought for you, now you’ve been found out – pay the £159, so you can continue to watch TV, without us paying for it…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Firstly, an apology from Ferret…”
  1. Whatever next, they’ll be clarifying that they really are a good and decent council after all lol

  2. it looks like she’s been attending JoKe’s clown school to come out with this

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