Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Today is the day where our Councillors meet to discuss the future of the Vengaboys concert.

The concert was the brain child of Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council way back in 2019, shortly after his “Independents” took control at Hemsworth Town Council.

The concert was “waved” through, without a vote taking place, thus giving Mr Jim Kenyon, Mr Ian Womersley and Mrs Jean Eccles carte blanch to spend your Precept money as they wished.

With initial projections of the concert costing a minimum of £80,000 with recent estimates putting total costs at around £120,000.

Tickets which have been on sale since 2019 have failed to sell as Mr Jim Kenyon expected, despite him repeatedly stating that people travel from all over Europe to see the Vengaboys.

Mr Jim Kenyon himself has stated that Independent Hemsworth Town Council needed to sell a minimum of 4000 tickets to just “breakeven”, so the Concert would not cost the Precept payers a penny.

Unfortunately for Mr Jim Kenyon, ticket sales have stalled at around 300. This is despite him spending even more money to try and drum up further sales via the Ticket master platform and paying for advertising on Facebook.

Item 5 on the agenda tonight states:


In accordance with the resolution made by the council on 14 October 2021 (minute no 258 [a]), to determine whether or not to continue with the festival based upon the number of tickets sold.

Our Councillors will vote on whether or not to continue with the festival based solely on the number of tickets sold to date.

They are not debating whether or not to proceed with a scaled back concert or any other proposal which may be made.

The agenda item is clear and our good Councillors must stand united against Mr Jim Kenyon and Mrs Jean Eccles and ensure this festival is CANCELLED, and ensure the right decision is made on behalf of our Community.

By Ferret

One thought on “The Vengaboys, D-Day…”
  1. There should be no contest in this vote really, making people pay to use their own park is not right, it should be thrown out and the park thrown open on the Bank holidays

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