Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Ferret finds it hard to believe that Independent Hemsworth Town Council didn’t have due diligence when spending £42,000 of your money on a large amount of Plant Machinery in December 2019.

Within six months of the purchase further costs started to be incurred for “repairs”:

04/06/2020 lifting equipment inspection £135 Inspection of Excavator Dumper Roller

04/06/02020 Mend a hose £48 Repair Excavator

08/06/2020 Mend a hose £383.15 Repair Excavator

20/07/2020 HLC Engineering £126 Repair ramp on digger

Ferret believes a pattern is starting to appear in “repairs” which are then linked to cash payments being made…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Further Machinery costs…”
  1. So ferret believes that the repairs stated above were paid in cash from the ‘petty cash’, no receipt given? Just a debit in the book for repairs.
    Surely this isn’t right. Surly ALL spendings should have a receipt. How t do we know it actually cost the amount? How do we know the work was actually carried out? Who did the job? So many questions!!

  2. Hemsworth precept payers are being “hosed” Fraud squad should be investigating this.

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