Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Ferret would like today, to share a comment which was posted by “David” on the post last week regarding LP21.

LP21 is the field between Vale Head Park and the Woodlands estate in Hemsworth.

This is the development that Mr Alan Draper, Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley of Independent Hemsworth Town Council lied about their knowledge of, including at a public meeting.

David’s comment:

It is with a heavy heart that I have to say I believe this is an uphill struggle.

You see we entered the game after the final whistle was blown. WMDC can and does say that it held a consultation period open for comments regarding the Hemsworth sites. The Inspector will likely agree with this.

WMDC can say that it has conducted or commissioned feasibility, sustainability and environmental impact assessments. But as we know there’s lies, damn lies and statistics… With empirical evidence that the sites are suitable for development.

Let’s face it, when someone in politics or planning says they gave followed the regulations… Well there simply has been no Christmas Party!

But. here’s the rub. The Councillors we elected and the Town Clerk have clearly known about all the proposed sites for some considerable time.

And, they have shown they are only interested in land they own. They have failed to ensure that the community has been made fully aware of the proposed sites, and the impact that development is likely to have on our community. I live on the Woodlands estate, and it is easy to say that residents have a vested interest.

But, its not just about protecting our views… Its about the loss of ecologically and recreational important land that all the community gas been able to enjoy. Then there’s the impact on local resources…

And regardless of WMDC spin there is no doubt that there will be an incredible strain on already stretched resources in the area.

What about cultural identity?

Do the residents of Kinsley and Fitzwilliam and Hemsworth want to become one big urban village on the outskirts of metropolis Wakefield?

I note that City fields is growing daily as it moves towards Crofton.

Finally, Mr Draper how can you make the arguments against development of the Kirby Road site in terms of biodiversity and the importance of green land, as well as air quality issues, when you do not see that these issues are at least equally important in respect of LP21?

So, it’s an uphill battle and it is draining us all. But, if Mr Ford or HTC thinks we will quit
.. they are so wrong. Some of us like running up those hills. NO PROBLEM!!

Ferret stands with the residents and holding to account Independent Hemsworth Town Council. More to come shortly….

By Ferret

9 thought on “The Woodlands Estate – Local Plan and LP21”
  1. draper knew all about the plans. , he sent an email to councillors regards it in December 2020 the man is a liar

  2. I do not live on Woodlands so have no vested interest in whether it’s built or not. What I don’t like is the fact our village is now a small town. Once Tesco was built that was the beginning of the end.
    What I don’t like is that the infrastructure isn’t there for these houses. The schools are full, the doctors are full, you can’t get a dental appointment for love or money, the roads are jammed. This is why I disagree with the building of these houses.
    We are turning into a bed and breakfast town. People live here but work in larger towns and city’s.
    The councillors who knew about this have lied all along. If it was near their houses they would have opposed it immediately. They have liked and lied until it’s too late.
    They don’t deserve to be our councillors, they aren’t looking after the electors interest.
    They have called the previous council liars and thieves, they even paid someone to look into accounts, it all came back negative. Yet these are acting like they are. It’s shameful.

  3. I am a resident from Springvale Rise and totally agree with David,after attending meetings and emails and letters with this so called council we as residents know fully the extent of the lies we have been told.We have evidence to prove they knew all about LP21 and did nothing to inform the Residents or lodge any objections so we need to ask WHY in a full community Public Meeting this proposed housing development will effect not just Hemsworth but Kinsley and Fitzwilliam people,people that are now tired of the lies and sheer shameful behaviour of this council,it’s time to act and work as a full community show them that we the people will not let them destroy our community and it’s time for change they should RESIGN or face a backlash in the next elections,time to stand together and do what’s right and best for the people these so called councillors certainly do not .

  4. Julie – that’s why I wrote to the clerk when I found out about a meeting that only the residents of woodlands were invited to. Everyone should have been informed of that meeting, because it affects us all. Please keep us informed of any future meetings so we can attend.

  5. Kirby road venga boys Kirby road venga boys make any wonder why they’re so inept because they’re bloody well infatuated with those two items plus buying the odd digger here and there

  6. Will definitely let everyone know Cathy have already told Mr Draper everyone must be invited to a full public meeting and they should issue letters not just social media as a lot of residents struggle or don’t have it.We have also informed Mr Trickett MPs office that we have requested a full Public Meeting and Thank him for all his help and support.Mr Drapers reply was to have to discuss it with Mr Kenyon Chair of HTC before it could be agreed but our support is growing and the meeting will be according to Mr Draper in the new year it most definitely WILL we need answers and the truth the community deserve it for once.

  7. Thank you for sharing the message Ferret. Whether they build the houses or not, it’s important for people to fully understand the under hand way that they have been sold down the river. Mr Ford said it is ” sad” that 300 residents didn’t know about LP21. Sad… Its a disgrace!
    It’s more than sad that WMDC have been given an open door to come in to our home and throw out all of the furniture… to take away everything we have grown to love over the years and everything that makes us feel safe and reassured. That’s essentially what they’re going to do.

    To add insult to injury, they’re going to join us all at the hip and stretch us out all the way to Wakefield One.
    The planners don’t give a damn about heritage and regional diversity. They won’t let that stand in the way of Megopolis.
    And, they will probably tell us to visit Nostel Priory, Ryhill Reservoir, or Manvers Sanctuary if we must see green fields and walk amongst the wild life. Its not important to them. They dream about 3 storey high homes separated only by a playing card, which block out the tree line and hide the stars at night. They don’t get the importance of green belt. Why have spaces for trees. plants, birds and animals, and for people to ramble in when you can have wall to wall brickwork?
    It’s not just about LP21, because as important as that is to the residents on the estate and our nearest neighbours in Kinsley, its about the impact on the wider community. That includes Ackworth. It’s also about the way that the planners and our elected officers and councillors have treated us with complete contempt. It’s clear, we don’t matter to them. They couldn’t care less about upsetting us and making us thoroughly miserable. So long as they achieve their financial and political ambitions, the world is turning exactly as it should.
    Well, surely we should all still be able to have a say in regards to what we want to experience in OUR community? Or did we abdicate this right when we elected the Councillors? Because, I don’t see much evidence of them listening to what we have already said to them in the now notorious meetings when we seemingly hijacked the agenda! To clarify, the residents were not the architects of that debacle. The meetings were organised by HTC, and this council SHOULD have ensured that the community as a whole was aware of the meetings.
    Mr Draper has responded to our email, by speaking with Mr Kenyon. The upshot is that he is agreeable to a public meeting in the New Year. I hope that the Community as a whole is made aware of this meeting. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the Woodlands Residents to publicise this, or to send out invitations. We don’t have the people or the resources to do so on a large scale.
    And, finally this meeting shouldn’t ignore wider concerns regarding the fitness of our council to make decisions for the benefit of the community. You have drawn attention to so many issues, and people are tired on Tales of corruption and self interest. The least we deserve as precept payers is assurance that that councillors are behaving with integrity and that there is full transparency regarding Financial decisions and appropriation of public money. Let’s be clear, we are not making allegations. But we are hearing the allegations, and we want answers to many questions.

  8. David, if you let me know when the meeting is arranged for, I will do my best to help ensure as many people in Hemsworth are aware of the date as possible.

  9. Hi Lyn,

    Thank you. Have been working alongside Julie who is also speaking with other concerned parties. We are going to suggest a date of 20th January 2022, bit obviously we need the Clerk to agree this.
    Have drafted a letter to community regarding publicising the meeting, and the issues we would like to raise with HTC.
    But, there will obviously be people who cannot attend, and we will need to give them with opportunities to draft statements or questions. We need to identify someone who they can contact. Do you have any suggestions?


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