Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council is a person who has proclaimed to be an expert in the planning processes and has made many (failed) visits to Court in pursuit of his claims.

Therefore, it seems somewhat amazing to Ferret that he could make such basic errors and blatantly lie to the other Councillors and the public at Hemsworth Town Council Meetings.

Mr Kenyon when questioned, stated all sorts of reasons why the storage unit that was being originally given to the Council did not need planning permission.

He actually went into very great detail, all of which turned out to be from the “tell them what they need to hear to get what you want world of Kenyon”. All this being caught on camera at a recorded meeting.

If anyone would like to hear Mr Jim Kenyon’s claims they are here at 58 minutes in.

Ferret has posted on a number of occasions about the gate which Independent Hemsworth Town Council erected at the Hoyle Mill Road entrance to Hemsworth Water Park, commonly now known as “Gordon’s Gate”, to stop Precept payer accessing the Water Park.

With Councillor Eccles’ gate, a resolution was passed in Council to seek legal advice, Ferret has to assume it was either never sought or taken or both.

The gate created a private access to fellow Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles private residence and not only that but allowed them to become “key holders”.

Ferret is pleased to report that Wakefield Council has now taken enforcement on these issues along with other work that has been undertaken at the Waterpark without appropriate permission.

Ferret looks forward to the gate being removed and all costs associated with this work on the gate and storage unit as a result of the advice of Mr Jim Kenyon, being reimbursed back to the Council by Him.

By Ferret

8 thought on “Planning permissions, or lack of…”
  1. Ferret, I’m glad to hear there’s been some action by Wakefield Council but can you tell us what action it was? Councillor Jean Eccles seemed very rattled when the gate was mentioned in last night’s meeting and even went as far as to say her and Gordon deserve the gate for all the crime and anti social behaviour they have to put up with at the park!

  2. Kenyon strikes again, Ayr we come, it’s all starting to unravel around him. We’ve as much chance of getting the money back off him as getting any true words out of his mouth.

  3. Well it’s true about the crime the Eccles’ have to put up with at the park only recently they had some carpets pinched lol

  4. If they erected these things without planning permission then it’s just another example of their naievety stupidity or both. What is the clerk’s role here, to advise, surely he must have or should have advised them there are certain procedures to follow before undertaking such work and a brief phone call to the planning department would soon have put them in the picture of what they needed to do and could do. Re the gate does anyone know if the appropriate bodies ie fire brigade etc have keys for Access in the event of an emergency they should have, given such an emergency as fire at the pub or on the railway or brakes or Randall. Condition such as this are applied with correct planning permission it’s not rocket science unless you don’t give a hoot for procedures only when it suits you

  5. The “WATER park GATE scandal looks like it’s coming back to haunt Jim. Maybe like Richard Nixon did, he might resign before he is “impeached”?

  6. Is there any recording of the last meeting anywhere btw? because unlike Jim/Badger I really wasn’t there.

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