Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Hemsworth Town Council have organised a successful Bonfire Night event at Hemsworth Waterpark for a number of years.

Prior to 2019, arrangements were made with local business to allow parishioners to park their vehicles in their car parks. Even the Police were very lenient, due to the event being only for a couple of hours once per year.

Independent Hemsworth Town Council held a Policy and Planning Meeting on 2 October 2019, an item on the agenda:

204 Bonfire Night

Resolved that:

• Due to problems with parking in previous years, extra capacity be procured by utilising space offered free of charge by Cllr Eccles.

Fantastic news thought Ferret…

But where was this extra capacity offered by Cllr Eccles?

For those readers that are unaware, Councillor Eccles not only  lives but also owns a lot of the land surrounding Hemsworth Waterpark towards Kinsley.

The space in question turned out to be the former Farmers Public House site on Wakefield Road in Kinsley.

Councillor Eccles owned the site which he had allowed to become a dumping ground over the years following the demolition of the Farmers.

So, YOU the precept payers paid for Councillor Eccles’ privately-owned land to be cleared.

This cost you £4461…

But don’t worry, after a backlash from some residents, Independent Hemsworth Town Council announced that Councillor Eccles will donate all the profits from parking on the evening back to Independent Hemsworth Town Council…

And he did… all £208 of it.

By Ferret

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