Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

The latest released accounts show some more interesting items.

Yet again, Ferret can’t help but think this may be the reason that Alan Draper is so reluctant to release them at all.

They seem to be so precious to him that at times, it’s been noticed he has revisited them and even spent some more time with them, to actually rewrite them.

Ferret wonders just how much fuel Hemsworth Town Council uses, here are the latest entries:

01/02/2023 717790 62.01 £62.01 FUEL EXPENSES

06/02/2023 717792 LAKESIDE PETTY CASH £99.02 FUEL FOR VAN


Ferret believes this to be another large amount of our money spent to use on internal equipment that, well let’s face it, doesn’t move very far.

Then again Ferret wonders if the cost is high due to the sudden arrival of that lodger at the Lakeside flat.

Moving homes these days doesn’t come cheap and Independent Hemsworth Town Council have already gone into the business of a private rubbish collection and removal service for the Eccles, well they are entitled after all, mystic Jean says so, so it’s not a stretch of the imagination if Jim Kenyon “fixed it” for a home removal service to be made available at the same mates rates.

Mr Shifter comes to mind, then again should that be Mr Shifty?

By Ferret

One thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Fuel to Fire the Flames Of Concerns…”
  1. I’ve noticed that since jk left the marital home, his car is still parked outside. Has it broken down? Or is he trying to fool people into believing he still lives there? As for the fuel expenses it’ll cost a blooming fortune driving back n forth all the time to keep the illusion going. I can’t wait to see what happens come may, it could be the Kinsley evictions all over again.

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